016. The Process.

960 71 3

Andrews Memorial Hospital
Wednesday October 4 202*

Kelesi Martin 17

It's been 15 hours since we found out about Dessi's death and it's added to the many fucked up things that happened yesterday.

I did the emergency D&C but was under general anaesthesia and I was just now waking up.

It's crazy how Dessi was the first who came to mind when I woke up.

On both my sides where my uncles.

Yesterday after omario got the phone call from Monique telling him about Dessi he still refused to leave my side even after I begged him to.

I knew Dessi was like family to him and I wouldn't want him to miss being there for his people because of me.

"Princess?" Uncle Steven called to me and I hummed in response.

"How Yuh feel?" He sat upright to look at me.

I love how supportive they are and not bashing me cause honestly nothing would hurt more than losing their support.

"My lower back hurts and my stomach still hurts a bit" I told him

"Wan come painkillers?" He got up from where he was seated to move closer to my bed.

"Yes please and I'm hungry too" I told him as a pout appeared on my face.

"Aguh get Yuh smth fi eat and fwd back." He leaned down to kiss my forehead and left.

Uncle Danny was still knocked out in the other chair on my right.

Omario was still here when I went into the operation room yesterday so I'm assuming he left when I was out.

Soon I heard a knock at the room and a nurse entered with a white envelope in her hands.

"Miss Martin are you up?" She spoke softly.

"Yes u can come in"

"Good morning dear" she greeted me

"Good morning" I said with my eyes glued to the sheets on the bed.

"I know you might be feeling some pain in your lower back area and your stomach but that will only be for a few days so no school and no heavy lifting." She told me and I nodded.

"Remember yesterday when we made you do an ultrasound so you could see the baby before the D&C?" She asked and I looked at her before responding "yes".

"Well I asked if it was possible if we could get you a printed sonogram and I just received it." She said as she handed me the envelope.

I do remember doing an ultrasound while Omario was still here and the baby was so tiny.

Slowly opening the envelope as the nurse stood over me.

Mi will cry inuh.

Mi will cry inuh

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