05: Getting To Know You Is Comforting.

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Donghyuck's aunt furrowed her brows seeing her nephew almost giggling at the screen of his phone

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Donghyuck's aunt furrowed her brows seeing her nephew almost giggling at the screen of his phone. A soft smile grew on her tired face as she observed the boy almost missing his mouth with a spoon, too focused on whatever he was reading.

He finally glanced at the woman sitting on the other side of the table after hearing her chuckle.


The woman laughed again, shaking her head.

"So who is she?"

Donghyuck almost choked on the cereal that eventually managed to find its way to his mouth. He coughed for a while before asking an exaggerated "what?!" that only made his aunt laugh some more.

"If you don't want to tell me, I get it. Just know that you can't fool me."

"Auntie, you're hilarious." he said, suddenly getting another text and almost jumping out of his seat. "I gotta go." he added, giving the woman a quick peck onto her forehead.

Donghyuck walked along the streets with a small smile plastered on his face, the sun almost blinding him if he wasn't wearing glasses. The stroll felt nice as the wind blew through his hair that was once again styled nicely, parted in the middle. His lips curled up immediately seeing Jiae waiting for him by the convenience store, her pink hair flying in every possible direction. Donghyuck couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of the girl trying to control it from completely covering her face. Finally, she noticed him too.

"Hey," she blurted, holding the pink strands away from her face.

"Hi." he chuckled. "Looks like you're losing the fight with the wind."

"I gotta lose sometimes, I guess." the two laughed simultaneously before Jiae suddenly scanned Donghyuck up and down. "Looking good again today. I feel like you're putting more effort than I am."

The boy laughed, shaking his head.

"You just don't need to, you look great without trying."

Jiae's wide smile faltered slightly, his sudden sweet choice words making her insides tingle for some reason. Donghyuck smacked himself mentally, feeling his cheeks start to burn a little. Can't I really control my damn mouth?

"So, you ready to go?"

He nodded, both turning on their heels until Donghyuck noticed something on the convenience store's glass door. They were looking for a part timer.

His aunt always told him that he didn't have to work and only focused on his studies. They weren't wealthy nor lived extravagantly in any way, but they were getting by just fine. As long as there was food on the table and a roof over their heads, that's all that mattered. But Donghyuck loved his aunt too much and couldn't stand to see her work twice as hard mostly because she decided to take care of him when she didn't have to.

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