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As Miranda headed into the shower to freshen up for dinner, Ben decided to take a moment to relax and lay down on the bed. He stretched out, propping a couple of pillows behind his head, and closed his eyes, trying to clear his mind.

The room was quiet except for the sound of water running from the shower, and Ben took the opportunity to reflect on the current situation. Despite the awkwardness that sharing a table with Tucker and Jessica might bring, Ben found himself looking forward to the evening.

Lost in his thoughts, Ben was snapped back to reality when he heard the shower turn off and the bathroom door open. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and smiling as Miranda emerged, looking refreshed and ready for the evening.

Once she was done with her shower she came out with this beautiful green dress that hugged her body in all the right places

"Hey can you zip me" She smiled

"It's what boyfriends do" He smiled and walked over to her. As he stepped behind her He could tell she sprayed her perfume on her neck, his heart fluttering at the familiar scent. The delicate aroma enveloped him in a cloud of sweetness. He couldn't help but take a deep breath, savoring the scent that reminded him of her. He smiled to himself, knowing that every time he smelled that perfume, he would think of her. He couldn't wait to finally hold her in his arms and tell her how much he adored her scent. For now, he would just have to settle for this small, yet intoxicating, reminder of her. He hadn't noticed until he went back away that the small interaction was enough to elicit an erection from him. He was slightly embarrassed.

"Let me go get ready too" He smiled getting his stuff and heading into the shower. He let the warm water hit his body and he just tried to shake the thought of Miranda and her perfume from his mind. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down. He could feel his heart racing and his body getting tense. He knew he needed to control his emotions before they got out of hand.

He tried to focus on his breathing, inhaling slowly and exhaling even slower. He also tried to distract himself by thinking of something else, but his mind kept going back to the source of his arousal.

He decided to try some relaxation techniques, like tensing and releasing his muscles one by one. He also tried visualizing a peaceful scene, like a calm ocean or a quiet forest. Slowly, his body started to relax and his heart rate returned to normal.

After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and took another deep breath. He was finally able to calm himself down and regain control of his emotions. He knew he had to be more careful in the future to avoid getting too aroused around her. Especially considering they were sharing this hotel room.

He finished his shower and got dressed. He walked out and grabbed his cologne spraying some on. Miranda immediately noticed the aroma wafting through the air

"Nice cologne" Miranda noted. Despite sitting in a chair a bit away from him his scent still managed to fill her nose. She quite liked the smell.

"Nah you like this cheap stuff" He chuckled, feeling a slight flush creeping into his cheeks at Miranda's comment. "It's not even my good cologne" he replied, trying to play it cool.

"Well it's good enough for your fake girlfriend" She laughed

"Shall we attend dinner with your ex" He laughed opening the door

"We got this"She winked

They happened to be walking out at the same time as Tucker and his girlfriend so they rode the elevator together.

"You two are so cute" Tucker girlfriend's smiled

"Cute is for children. We're sexy but thank you" Ben pulled Miranda closer to him placing his hands on her hips

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