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As their honeymoon came to an end and they returned home, Miranda couldn't shake the disappointment that lingered from their trip.

"I can't believe how our honeymoon turned out," she muttered, frustration evident in her voice.Ben, however, remained surprisingly upbeat. "I know it didn't go exactly as planned, but I'm still grateful for the time we spent together," he said, his tone gentle and reassuring.

Miranda sighed, feeling guilty for not sharing Ben's perspective. "I just wish it could have been more romantic and less... embarrassing," she admitted, her voice tinged with regret.

Ben reached out, gently taking her hand in his. "I understand, Miranda. But for me, the most important thing was being with you, no matter what,"

Miranda couldn't help but smile at his unwavering devotion. "I guess you're right," she conceded, a hint of warmth returning to her voice. "At least we have plenty of memories to look back on, even if some of them are a little... unconventional."

"I have an idea," Ben smiled "Why don't we have a do-over honeymoon?"

"That's sweet of you, Ben," she replied, managing a small smile. "But I don't think anything can make up for how our honeymoon turned out. An infection..."

"And an itchy ass, I know" He sighed "But hear me out I just want to make things right for us. After all sex on the beach was my idea, and so it's my fault we didn't get to have the honeymoon we planned for."

"It's a lovely idea, Ben," she assured him, offering him a reassuring smile. "And I appreciate the effort. Maybe we can plan something special for our anniversary instead."

"Deal" He kissed her cheek "As long as we're together, it'll be wonderful."

With Ben's unwavering love and support, she felt a glimmer of hope that even though their honeymoon may have been ruined, their love would always prevail.

"Hey, Ben," Miranda said as they unpacked their belongings after returning home. "I just wanted to let you know that Tucker and his wife are going to drop off Tuck later, but I'm feeling exhausted. I think I'm going to take a nap."

Ben nodded understandingly, pausing in his task to give Miranda his full attention. "Of course, baby," he replied. "You go ahead and rest. I'll listen out for them and take care of everything."

"Thanks, Ben," she said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before retreating to their bedroom.

As Ben waited for Tucker to arrive, he turned on the TV to pass the time. Despite the lingering disappointment from their less-than-ideal honeymoon, he couldn't help but find some humor in the situation.

As he flipped through the channels, memories of their misadventures on the beach replayed in his mind, and a quiet chuckle escaped his lips. The absurdity of getting sand in Miranda's private area and dealing with sand flea bites seemed almost comical now, in hindsight.

Despite the initial embarrassment and frustration, Ben couldn't deny that there was something oddly amusing about the whole ordeal. Perhaps it was the sheer absurdity of the situation or his wife repeatedly yelling 'An infection and an itchy ass' in the doctor's office. He dared not laugh about it in front of his wife but in the solitude of the living room he did let a few laughs roll.

When Tucker finally arrived with Tuck, the tension in the room was palpable. Ben greeted them with a forced smile, trying to hide his discomfort as Tucker exchanged terse pleasantries.

"Hey, Tuck," Ben smiled

"Ben, you're finally home" he exclaimed eagerly, oblivious to the strained dynamics between the adults. He ran straight into Ben's arms and hugged him tightly

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