22 (Epilogue)

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, Miranda and Ben sat side by side, surrounded by their family. It had been thirty years since that fateful night when they had first confessed their love on this very shore, and yet, the memories felt as vivid as ever.

"Grandpa, tell us the story again" one of the grandchildren exclaimed, their eyes shining with anticipation.

Ben chuckled warmly, a twinkle in his eye as he launched into his tale once more, the familiar words flowing effortlessly from his lips.

"Once upon a time, in a hospital not so far away..."As Ben recounted the story of how he and Miranda first met, how a simple lie had blossomed into a love story for the ages, his grandchildren listened,hanging on his every word.

"And so, that's how I ended up marrying the most amazing woman I've ever known," Ben concluded, a smile playing on his lips as he looked around at his beloved family.

The grandchildren erupted into laughter, their young voices mingling with the sound of crashing waves as they marveled at the twists and turns of the tale.

"Wow, Grandpa, that's so cool" one of them exclaimed, their eyes wide with wonder.Ben chuckled, his heart swelling with love for his grandchildren and gratitude for the life he had shared with Miranda.

"Yes, it is," he replied softly, his gaze drifting out to sea. "Sometimes, the most unexpected journeys lead us to exactly where we're meant to be."

As Ben finished recounting the tale to his grandchildren, he looked up to see Tuck and his wife approaching, their laughter mingling with the gentle rhythm of the waves.

One of the younger ones, looked up at him with wide eyes. "Grandpa, what happened after that? Did you become a surgeon like you wanted?"

Ben chuckled, glancing over at Miranda, who was sitting nearby with a warm smile on her face as she watched their grandchildren hang onto his every word.

"Yes, I did," Ben replied, his voice filled with pride. "I became a surgical resident and worked hard to achieve my dream. And through it all, your Grandma was my biggest supporter."

Miranda joined the conversation, her voice still as strong and confident as ever. "And it wasn't easy," she added with a chuckle. "But we managed to balance our careers and family. We had to work hard, but we made it work because we loved each other and our family."

"And daddy got his sibling like he wanted" Another grandchild chimed in

Ben and Miranda exchanged a knowing smile. "Yes, he did," Miranda said with a nod. "Your Auntie Danny"

"Hey, Dad," Tuck called out, a grin spreading across his face as he approached. "You telling that old story again."

"He tells every time he thinks about the beach." Tuck's wife chimed in, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Ben chuckled, rising to greet them with a warm embrace. "Well, you know me," he said with a grin. "I never get tired of telling that story."

Tuck laughed, clapping Ben on the back. "Yeah, we know," he replied, his voice tinged with affection. "But I think the grandkids might be getting tired of it."

"No, we're not daddy" Tuck's son shook his head " I love that story."

"Yeah we love that story" His other son chimed in

Ben chuckled, exchanging a knowing glance with Miranda as they watched their family gather around them.

"And I'll keep on telling it."

Danny laughed. "Dad's stories are legendary. We've heard them a million times, but they never get old."

"It's good for them to know where they come from," Ben said, his voice full of warmth. "And to understand the importance of family."

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