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On the morning of their one-year anniversary, the sun filtered softly through the curtains as Ben and Miranda slowly woke up, still wrapped in the warmth of each other's embrace.

"Happy anniversary," Ben murmured, his voice still holding remnants of sleep as he pressed a gentle kiss to Miranda's forehead.

"Happy anniversary," Miranda replied with a sleepy smile, snuggling closer to him. "Can you believe it's been a year already?"

Ben chuckled softly. "It feels like just yesterday we were pretending to be in love on that vacation," he said, his eyes twinkling with fond memories.

Miranda laughed, the sound light and joyful. "Who knew it would turn into this?" she said, patting his chest. "But I wouldn't change a thing."

"I would"

"Oh, what would you change Mr.Warren" She raised an eyebrow

"I'd tell you how I felt sooner, that way we wouldn't have been pretending on that trip" He chuckled

"You've said that before but I must admit I'm happy with how things turned out. I needed that." She admitted

"Well then in that case. Everything happened just as it should" He laughed as he gently kissed her

They lay there for a few moments, savoring the tranquility of the morning before eventually, Miranda stretched and sat up.

"Where are you going." He tightened his grip around her waist not wanting to break contact.

"You know, I've been thinking... I want to go to work today."

Ben raised an eyebrow, surprised but understanding. "Work? On our anniversary? You? Really?" he teased gently, his smile never fading.

Miranda chuckled, seeing through his act. "You knew I'd want to work, didn't you?" she accused gently, poking his side.

Ben laughed and nodded. "Guilty as charged," he admitted. "I had a feeling, so I didn't take the day off either.But we can still do something special later."

Miranda's smile widened, and she pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I promise, we'll celebrate properly after work. You sure you don't mind?"

"I understand. You love what you do." He reassured her " And I love that about you. I don't mind sharing you with your patients. They deserve the best and my baby is the best."

"Alright enough showering me with compliments. Time for me to actually shower and get dressed." She laughed as she got up

"Is there room for two in that shower?" He teased

"Maybe later" she replied pulling him close for a lingering kiss before they both began to prepare for the day ahead.

As Ben and Miranda arrived at work, they were greeted by their coworkers with warm smiles and well wishes for their anniversary.

"Happy anniversary, you two"Callie exclaimed, her eyes bright with excitement as she approached them. " Secondly, what are you two doing at work on your anniversary?"

"You try telling Miranda Bailey she can't come to work." Ben chuckled " This is her happy place and I want my wife happy."

"I'm sure she could have found happiness at home... with you... in a bed.." She nudged him

"Dr.Torres, I hope you aren't referencing my sex life." Miranda shot her a glance that pierced right through her

"Dr.Bailey, I wouldn't dream of it. Have a nice day." She gave a sheepish smile and scurried off

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