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Once inside the cozy confines of their home, Ben suggested the idea of ordering something for dinner rather than cooking. Miranda, still feeling a bit emotionally drained from the events of the day, readily agreed with a grateful smile.

"That sounds like a great idea, Ben," she replied, her voice soft with relief. "I don't think I have the energy to cook tonight. I wanted tonight to be special though."

Tuck, always eager for the prospect of food, chimed in excitedly. "Can we get pizza, Mommy?" he asked, his eyes wide with anticipation.

"Pizza can still be special" Ben chuckled " Besides it's not the food that makes tonight special, it's the company."

Miranda chuckled at her son's enthusiasm, ruffling his hair affectionately. "Of course, Tuck," she replied, her heart warmed by his excitement. "Pizza it is."

With their dinner plans settled Ben reached for his phone to place the order while Miranda and Tuck made themselves comfortable in the living room. As they waited for the food to arrive, the three of them settled in together, the warmth of their shared love and companionship filling the room with a sense of peace and contentment.

As they settled in the living room, Miranda took a moment to tell Tuck a little bit about Ben while they waited for the pizza to arrive. Leaning in close to her son, she spoke in a gentle tone, her words filled with warmth and affection.

"Hey, Tuck," Miranda began, smiling down at her son. "I want to tell you about my friend Ben here. He's someone very special to mommy."

Tuck looked up at her with wide eyes, his curiosity piqued. "Okay, mommy."

"Well, Ben is someone who makes mommy very happy," she explained, her eyes shining with love. "He's kind, funny, and he cares a lot about us."

Tuck listened intently, his eyes lighting up with interest as he absorbed every word his mother said. "Wow, he sounds really nice, Mommy" he exclaimed, a smile spreading across his face.

Miranda smiled back, her heart swelling with pride at her son's enthusiasm. "He is, Tuck," she replied warmly. "And I think you'll really like him too."

"What makes him special to you Mommy" Tuck asked

"Well, Ben is someone who makes Mommy very happy," she explained, her voice filled with affection.

"Your mom is really special to me too. And you know what? I'm excited to get to know you better and spend time together."

Tuck's eyes sparkled with excitement at Ben's words. "Really?" he exclaimed, his face lighting up with a grin.

Ben nodded, his smile widening. "Absolutely," he replied. "We're going to have lots of fun together, I promise."

Miranda watched with a heart full of love as Ben and Tuck exchanged smiles. Seeing the dinosaur toy in Tuck's hand Ben took the chance to bond with the young boy.

"Your mom told me you're really into dinosaurs. Did you know that I love dinosaurs too?"

Tuck's eyes widened with interest "Dinosaurs are awesome" he exclaimed.

Ben grinned, delighted by Tuck's enthusiasm. "They sure are," he replied. "Did you know that the T-Rex was one of the biggest and fiercest dinosaurs that ever lived? It had big, sharp teeth and could run really fast"

Tuck listened intently as Ben shared some dinosaur knowledge, his excitement growing with each new fact. With a knock at the door, Miranda jumped up to greet the pizza delivery boy, a smile on her face as she collected their dinner. Carrying the steaming boxes back to the kitchen, she set them down on the table, the aroma of freshly baked pizza filling the room.

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