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Miranda and Ben stepped back into the familiar hustle and bustle of the hospital, a sense of anticipation and determination filled the air. It was their first day back at work since returning from their vacation, and they were eager to dive back into their roles as dedicated doctors.

The corridors echoed with the hurried footsteps of nurses and the quiet hum of conversation. Miranda stepped into the elevator, her spirits lifted from the vibrant memories of her recent vacation, she couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness bubbling up inside her. Humming a cheerful tune under her breath, she greeted her colleagues Mark and Derek with a warm smile.

Mark and Derek exchanged amused glances at Miranda's upbeat demeanor, their curiosity piqued by her noticeable change in mood. "The real thing baby" She hummed aloud

"I know that song," Derek remarked "What song is that"

"A little something stuck in my head." She chuckled " You know how it is"

When the elevator reached her floor. She turned back to them " Have a great day" As the doors slid open to their destination, she stepped out with a skip in her step.

"Bailey's in a good mood today" Derek looked at Mark

"Dare I say a great mood" Mark replied

Ben stepped onto the elevator after Miranda departed, he found himself humming the same tune she had been. "The real thing baby" He hummed

Mark and Derek exchanged a surprised glance, their eyebrows raised in silent communication as they processed the unexpected coincidence.

"Isn't that the same tune Bailey was humming?" Derek whispered to Mark, his voice filled with curiosity.

Mark smiled and nodded in agreement  "It sure is," he replied, his eyes following Ben as he hummed the familiar melody.

And as the doors slid open to his floor, Ben stepped out with a sense of anticipation "Gentlemen" He offered a slight wave of acknowledgment as he departed.

As the elevator doors finally opened to their floor, Mark and Derek exchanged a final glance, their curiosity still lingering in the air. With a shrug and a shared smile, they stepped out of the elevator,

"Go Bailey" Mark uttered

"Indeed" Derek agreed

As Miranda made her way through the hospital corridors, she was greeted by the sight of her  Callie, who practically bounced with excitement at the prospect of seeing her."You're back" Callie exclaimed, her face lighting up with joy as she hurried over to greet her. "I've been dying to hear all about your trip! How was it? Tell me everything"

Miranda couldn't help but smile at Callie's infectious enthusiasm "It was amazing," she replied, her voice filled with excitement. "We went to this beautiful resort by the beach, and the scenery was absolutely breathtaking."Callie's eyes widened with interest as she leaned in closer, hanging on Miranda's every word. "And what about Ben?" she prompted eagerly. "How was it spending time with him outside of work?"

A soft blush crept onto Miranda's cheeks as she thought back to her time with Ben, the memories filling her with a sense of happiness and contentment. "What about him she shrugged"

"Come on, you can't keep me in suspense like this," Callie insisted, her tone playful yet insistent. "Did something happen between you and Ben?"

"Well, um, you see..." she began, her words trailing off as she searched for the right way to explain.

But before she could say another word, Callie's eyes widened with realization, a gasp escaping her lips. "Oh my goodness, something did happen, didn't it?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.

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