Chapter 6

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"What? What's wrong?" Calvin touches my arm and I snap back to reality. "M-My ex best friends here..." He makes an O shape and tells me it's okay he won't make us talk to eachother since there was about 15 people in this room. I nod and stay close to him, avoiding Kaylie. A boy bumps into me and says sorry but not before looking straight into my cleavage. "Hey babe! You look good." The alcohol smell on his breath strong.

My eyes widen for a second and I push him back. "Bitch!" He said once he regained his balance and approached me once more. His hands grip my arm and I gasp in shocked from the pain. "Dude get your hands off of her!" Calvin grips the boys shoulder but before I let him leave, I punch the boy straight in his nose. My knuckles hurt like a bitch but for sure it was worth it.

"Ughh," he groans in pain, gripping his face. "You are a dirty, nasty, rude cunt." He slurs but my punch seemed to sober him a bit. Calvin took my hand taking me away from the sore loser. I took a minute to search for Kaylie and to my luck she seemed to have noticed me. She approaches me as I look around and figure out my escape route, sadly I'm too late. "Madeline!? I'm so glad you're here, I just want to tell you I'm s-" I put up a finger to stop her.

I don't even try to conceal my disgust. "You know what? You're a bitch." I feel Calvin shift a little and I notice I'm gripping his hand a little too hard. "Sorry" I whisper to him . Turning my attention back to Kaylie, there is a clear sight of hurt in her eyes. "I-I have to go." She turns on her heels but not before I see a tear roll down her cheek. Calvin walks in front of me with his eyes wide. "Hey don't judge! Ex friend drama." I tell him but look past him.

"You need a drink."

He rushes off to get us both a drink. Scanning the room I see a sea of unfamiliar faces. Deciding my landing space would be the chair I make my over there. "Hey there kiddo!" A boy sits next to me with a red cup in his hand. I look at him not noticing I rudely didn't say anything back. "Okay, sorry for bothering you." I shake my head as if to get myself out of a daze.

"Oh god, I'm sorry! I'm just so confused." I put my head in my hands.

He pats my back and gives me a slight pity look. "Okay Hun, lay it on me." Looking up I see he's serious. "Well you see my best friend kissed my boyfriend and now I'm just not talking to neither. But the thing is my anger may be covering my judgement on everything. I don't know if I want her as my BFFLFL anymore." I bit back tears.

A confused look is plastered onto the strangers face. "BfflfL?" I nod and proceed to defining the word. "It means 'best friends forever like for life' she made it up." My mind takes me back to the place of our friendship and I get more hurt and sad. "Well my opinion to this is...girl grow some balls and talk it through with her!" I was taken back by his words but he continues. "If the your ex wasn't a fuckboy he wouldn't have done it in the first place. She's been your friend for years right? So hear it through and listen to what she has to say."

He takes a sip from his red cup waiting for me to digest everything he just said. The words from this wise stranger seem to kick my mind onto the right path of reality. Kaylie has been my best friend since elementary and I can't just let some guy come in between us, not even listening to her words either. Suddenly a rush of happiness overwhelms me and I hug the stranger.

"Are you God?"

He chuckles and hugs me back. "You could say that if you want. But I'd rather Ethan." I smile at him and close my eyes in relief as 'Coffee' by Miguel plays in the background. "I'm Madeline." He gives me a smirk. "Cute name!" As I'm about to say something a girl comes over looking the same age as Ethan.

"Babe you ready to go?" She asks looking down at his phone.

For a minute I think he's talking to me but Ethan kisses my cheek and gets up. "Looks like my girlfriend is dragging me away from the fun." Again I'm shocked because I thought gods honest truth that he was gay. He seems to read my mind and smiles. "You probably thought I was gay right? Haha well I get that a lot. Anyways here's my number, we need to talk!" He takes my phone and puts in his name not forgetting to take a picture of himself. Handing me his phone I do the same. "See you soon Madeline!" He air kisses my cheeks and strolls off with his mystery girl.

Taking a deep breath I see Kaylie standing alone near the island. "Let's do this Mads." I prep myself. Walking over I grab a drink that was clearly spiked with vodka and gulped it down. "Hey Kaylie." I smile at her and slightly reach over my hand to grab another drink from the table. "Maddie? A-are you still mad?" Her eyes filling with tears once again. "I..n-yes. Kind of anyway." I gulp and start slowly. "Maybe we should sit." She nods quickly and follows me to the big black sofa.

"Maddie I just want to say I'm so sorry and it wasn't my fault. Well yes I was apart of it but I didn't make a move he did and I stopped him, I don't know why he did it but I didn't want him to hurt you so I had to tell you but I didn't know how to tell you." She pauses out of breath. "Please believe me Maddie I would never do that to you!"

I look into her eyes and she has the look I have known and trusted for years. The look of honesty and truth mixed with sadness. "I-" I sigh and hug her as she cries. "I believe you Kaylie Hun." She half smiles and half hiccups as she hugs me back. Feeling a weird sensation that someone is staring at me, I turn around and there is Calvin smiling.

"Did you get lost?" I laughed.

He looked slightly embarrassed and handed me the cup. "Sorry. My girlfriend might have had a little too much to drink." I raised an eyebrow and gave him the look. "You didn't introduce me you goofball!" As he's about to reply along comes a blonde girl looking hella drunk. "Annd here she is!" He made a dramatic gesture with his hands. I made a slight fake smile and said hi. She returned the hello and looked like she was about to throw up.

"Are you fine with leaving now? Because I'm not letting her stay here any longer." He implied holding his girlfriend close to him. "Sure sure I'm down to go right now. Kaylie you coming?" She looked around for a minute then nodded. Walking to his car I thought I saw a glimpse of Malachi's face but doing a double take, I realized I was probably wrong.


"Ms. Brooks! You finally decided to join us." Mr. Grinley glared at me. My head was pounding from the two drink I had last night. I made a reminder to myself that two drink WILL get me drunk. Crazy right?

"I'm sorry. Rough night."

A couple of students snickered to eachother which pissed me off. "Looks like someone got knocked up!" Christopher; an annoying kid in my class yelled out. I shot him a glare and sat down as Mr.G told me to. Resting my the desk I tried to relax my brain from pounding like crazy.

After second period I call my dad to pick me up from school; my headache was not subsiding. Once I got home I rushed to the bathroom and swallowed two Tylenols. "Mads? What's up?" I turn around and Bradley is standing in the doorway. Sighing I decided to tell him what I was feeling and what I wanted. We take a seat on his bed and I smile.

"I'm happy that your Jess is back!" I tell him honestly and he smiles.

"I am too."

My head racks at how to tell him the truth and I finally come up with it. "We can't be anything Brad. I know we had a period of time where we thought we had feelings but I don't...not anymore." I tell him hoping he will understand.

A flash of sadness came upon him but we both knew we left our feelings for eachother behind. "I know Mads. You're my sister and I love you, as my sister. I'm a horny ass teenage boy that may get confused and I was but now Jess is back and I know I love her." I nod my head in understanding and hug him.

"I'm glad we have an understanding. I know you love Jessabear and I want you two to be happy! Along with myself being happy with someone else." I smile but wince a little as my headache pounded. He smiles back and claps his hands together. "You need rest sis. Hangovers are not cool." I nod and leave the room to have a nice long rest.


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