Man oh man. It's been almost a year since I started Volume III and what a long, crazy and eventful year it has been for me. I wanted to get this out here to express my gratitude to everyone that has been here from before and to all the newcomers that are now arriving. The people that pressured me and kept asking about Volume 3 and 4, thanks and of course to my friends who encouraged me to finish volume 3, thank you as well. You guys have no idea how difficult it was to really sit down and focus on this with everything on my plate. I've been trying so hard to get an audio book for the first two volumes done with multiple voice actors for the longest now and there are my other series that need attention too. I wanted to apologize for volume 2's horrendous grammar and I might add lazy writing. Remember how I said at the beginning of this volume that rewrites for the first two volumes were coming? Well they still are so look out for those because they'll be written in Volume III's format and will have a few important story changes. Volume IV will be a while from now but it won't be an extremely long wait. By December this year the first couple of chapters should be out and hopefully by then I'll have an audiobook of Volume's 1-3 for you guys. Thanks again for your patience and time and helping keep this series alive. Speak to you soon.
Legendary Volume 3 - Guilty By Design
FantasyAn Action-Adventure tale of one's true destiny and how we are put on this world for a reason, a reason that we must do our best to accomplish. Young & Old Fans of Martial Arts, Supernatural, Science Fiction, and Fantasy Mangas/Animes will be intrigu...