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Stargazing. Mind racing, bottle empty, heart broken, tears dripping. Drunk and confused. But smiling.

No matter the state of the girl her lips would always find a way to turn upwards while watching the stars.

With a last glance at the uncountable balls of fires in the sky she sighed before grabbing the bottle she had stolen from the bar before stumbling out of the party she hoped to forget.

Making her way inside, avoiding looking at the people still dancing and laughing like nothing bad  had ever happened. Blissfully unaware of the ugly truth she just had to witness. It wouldn't make a difference to them anyways, a bit of good gossip to share over coffee tomorrow at best.

But to her it was the end of the world. A bit dramatic maybe but not entirely untrue. It was the end of the world she built for herself here in Madrid.

It wasn't just the betrayal of her first love breaking her heart or the trust she fought so hard building up over the years. With having witnessed what she just did she could happily watch him fuck anyone in this whole world, she wouldn't flinch. But her best friend. The co owner of the company she spent all her adult life making a reality. That hurt.

She didn't just lose a boyfriend and a best friend tonight, she lost everything she worked so hard for. She lost all the hours she spent in therapy trying to overcome the trust issues, she lost the happiness their business had given, she lost the sense of home the city once had given her, but most importantly of all she lost the two people who meant the entire world to her.

Stargazing | Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now