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"So Ella what do you do" yeah what do I do, right now I'm fleeing all my responsibilities and heartbreak, but that didn't feel like a good answer. I was sat at lunch with Charles and some of his fellow drivers, friends and some of their girlfriends, right now conversing with Max Fewtrell, apparently the name off the guy who'd been with Lando before.

"Right now I'm kinda in between things" I tried to shut down the subject but Max didn't seem to get the hint.

"Interesting what kind of things?" he pushed on and to be honest I loved talking work, it was what I had dedicated the last couple years of my life to. Right now though it just felt like a big question mark with no real answers to it.

"I started a business back in Madrid with a friend, producing content for different brands or people, mostly in motorsport, things happened however and now i'm not to sure how to proceed" I felt myself smiling while talking about what I did for a living, no matter what had happened, I was proud of it.

"Really you're into motorsport?" I could see the intrigued eyes of the persons who had overheard our conversation around me poking for answers.

"Yeah always have been, I could probably kick all your asses in karting" not feeling like walking down that road once again today I just decided to shrug the question off and lighten the atmosphere that I could feel thad tensed around both Charles and Kika.

The guys looked amused at me, not believing a word I said, honestly who would, I was sat among 5 of the top 20 drivers in the world.

"Let's try that theory out tonight I'd love to see you try" Lando mockingly said, getting a few nodds from around the table.

"Honestly I'm in it's been way too long since I've been on a track at all" Max said and then the plan was settled, we were going karting tonight.

"You should really prepare too lose you know" a voice I haven't heard in ages sounded behind me.

"Max omg" I sprinted out of my seat to get to the guy I haven't seen in way to many years.

"Hi mr world champion" I said while clutching on around his neck he laughed loudly hugging me back.

"Hi Ella" he smiled back big at me "i've missed my biggest supporter you know" he winked at me and I just lightly punched him in the stomach exclaiming that he was my biggest fan and he knew it. He just simply nodded at that accepting my claims.

I was currently in the car with Max who decided to pick me up from my hotel to take us to karting, he said he wanted to catch up and as usual I let everything out when I was with him, he probably knew me better than anyone.

If it was one person who always had been there for me when everything was at it's worst and I couldn't speak to Charles or the rest of my family about it Max had always offered his shoulder for me to cry on. He had always been able to read me as an open book and the trust I had for the guy was something out of the ordinary. He had always been my safe place growing up on the kart and I had been his, when things had been though with his dad he'd always come to me and I'd do my best to comfort him. We had been rivals on track growing up but the best support team any one of us could ever ask for outside of it. When I left for Madrid we kept in contact in the beginning, but as he was getting busier in Formula 1 actually fighting for the championship and I put all my energy on my company and love life we just lost contact. Nothing major and no hard feelings from anyone it was just life pulling us in two different directions but I had made sure to congratulate him on his accomplishments and he on mine. It was nice how it felt like absolutely nothing changed despite the fact we haven't seen each other in so many years.

"Anyways yeah so now I'm not sure what I should do, the last thing I want is to go back to Madrid really but at the same time I can't just pack my bag and leave everything behind every fucking time something doesn't go my way like that's not normally" I concluded to him after spilling everything that had gone wrong in my life recently. Max looked at the road ahead with a frown on his forehead, he hadn't said a word just yet but I could tell by the way his hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly it must hurt that he was angry.

"Honestly fuck that Ella you can do exactly what you want, if you want to leave Madrid then do that, if you want to sabotage the whole fucking company than do that, they don't deserve anything from you" he was clearly pissed but as always wanted the best for her and she was immensely grateful to have him in her life.

"I won't sabotage my own company" she chuckled at him amused at the pettiness the grown ass man beside her held. The thought did seem tempting though her own pettiness wasn't that much better. However she knew damn well she couldn't do that without dragging herself down with it, her name was written all over that company.

"Anyways you ready to kick som ass tonight?" he changed the subject, once again knowing her better than she knew herself already sensing that the topic wasn't something she'd like to dwell on anymore.

"For sure, I'm nervous though I haven't been in a kart for years" she shrugged her shoulders lightly but felt the smile creeping up on her face, she couldn't wait to finally be back in her happy place.

"No need to sweat it we both know the only one able to take the championship away from me would have been you if you kept on" he jokingly shoved her but his tone held a serious note. He had always believed in her and praised her for how talented she was. She found it sweet that he still seemed to have the same faith in her even though she was about to compete against the current grid of F1 meanwhile she hadn't been in a race for the last 5 years.

"Yeah yeah but let's keep the whole competing professionally on the down low no need to embarrass myself" she laughed back at him, also something in the way they all had dismissed her before made her feel the need to prove something. That just because she was a girl didn't mean she didn't know her way around a track.

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