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"Ella" she groaned pulling the duvet tighter around her.

"Ella come on" couldn't they see that she was sleeping? annoyed she pressed her head even deeper in the pillow trying her best to shut the voice out. Her head was killing her and by the way her eyes burned she guessed something really upset her last night and she wasn't to desperate on finding out what.

"El please get up" and that's when the bubble bursted. The voice wasn't an annoying background noice anymore it was right next to her and she could tell exactly who it belonged to. And with that everything else that had happened the night before came crashing down on her.

"Char? what are you doing here" she managed to get out still buried under the duvet with her eyes shut tight. She had no clue where she was right now, in fact she doesn't remember anything that happened after she drunkenly apologized to Charles. "better question, where is here?"

She could hear someone laugh in the background and Charles chuckled, annoyed at the lack of response she sat up and slowly blinked her eyes to adjust to the bright room. Seeing Charles and someone she didn't really know. Charles smiled at her, it didn't reach his eyes though. She could see the worry and questions in them though.

"After you called me last night I booked the first flight here, we're in Carlos" he stopped to point at the other guy who was busy running around his closet "apartment, he picked you up last night but I don't think you remember that you were almost asleep apparently" I covered my face at that, embarrassed at what state he and his friend had to save me from.

"I'm sorry and thank you Carlos" Carlos just nodded at me and muttered something along the lines with anytime before continuing to packing his suitcase? I really did not choose a great time to invade this poor guys peace on, he seemed really stressed.

"I really want to talk to you about what happened last night for you to call me and be that upset but we really need to catch a flight to Australia in less than 2 hours" charles spoke seemingly stressed about the situation and she could hear her heart snap again at the thought of once again being left alone in this city of betrayal. Obviously that wasn't Charles fault she just hadn't realized the fact she had no one anymore until he mentioned he had to leave.

"Could you maybe come with us?" As if he could read her thoughts he looked pleadingly at her. "I really miss you Els and I think we have a lot to talk about and I also really don't feel comfortable leaving you alone right now" he tried to persuade her into tagging along on his race weekend as so many times before, but this time he really didn't need to ask twice she would take any opportunity to leave this godforsaken city behind.

"Okay" she nodded still a bit out of it, she had just woken up and now she was supposed to leave to god knows where. But the smile on her brothers face made it all feel okay, maybe her heartbreak was just the world's way to get her to realize her mistakes when it came to him. She hastily stood up and slung her arms around him, she could feel how he tensed up at first before tightening his grip in to a bone crushing hug.

"I missed you, you know" she whispered, a tear falling down her face at the realization of how much she truly had hurt her brother with her stupid actions.

"I missed you so much Els" she could hear his voice tremble and that made her tighten the hug if possible even more and promise herself once again to make everything right.

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