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The evening had continued with deep talk moving on to the other girls issues and they had sat there on Charles balcony to a fair bit over midnight just listening to each other's thoughts and problems. Trying to give advice whenever possible and just being each other's shoulders to lean on whenever not. It's a beautiful thing how quickly strangers can become so important and a big part of your life.

They were currently busy in the kitchen trying to cook up some kind of breakfast with the few ingredients Charles had, with his strict meal plan it wasn't really a lot of options for the hungover girls who definitely craved something other than eggs and spinach that seemed to be the main things in her brother's refrigerator. Eventually they had given up and just ordered breakfast from the local cafe and was now sat around the coffee table chatting about the upcoming race weekend.

"I'm scared" Alexandra admitted looking around at the girls with obvious worry in her eyes, not to be unexpected since this would be the first race she would attend as Charles girlfriend.

"It will be fine" Kelly reassured her with a smile on her face but it wasn't hard to see some pity in her eyes, knowing damn well what kind of backlash being a drivers girlfriend could bring.

"Well honestly it's hard, but you will get used to it and you have us" she eventually added after some time off thinking, not wanting to let her newfound friend go in to it blindsided.

"I don't know there's already some speculation going around online and this will just seal the deal I guess and I genuinely don't care about the hate but it's when they start comparing me to his ex's it's get hard" she quietly vented her thoughts.

"I wouldn't put to much energy on that if I were you, I never met his ex but I do know my brother and I know for a fact he's madly in love with you" I told her gently squeezing her shoulder in an attempt at comforting the unsure girl beside me.

"You think?" she smiled at me with that same sparkle in her eyes as I had seen in Charles when I had spoken to him about her yesterday.

"No I don't think, I know, I've seen the way he looks at you and you should hear the way he talked about you, it's disgustingly cute" I teased a bit but kept my tone serious to pressure the honesty in my words. Her smile grew at that letting my words settle her insecurities a bit.

"Talking about disgustingly cute when are you planning on talking to Lando" Kika gave me a pointy look grinning widely when I just groaned at her in response, not feeling like actually having to find the courage to speak on the matter with him.

"Do I actually have to tell him I like him" I whined not feeling nearly as confident that he actually liked me back without the wine flowing in my veins.

"Yes you actually do missy" Kelly pointed at me holding me responsible for the promises I stupidly made last night. I did know it was the mature thing to do but I also knew it took a whole lot of braveness to confess something like that.

"It will be fine Ella I promise it will feel better once you've done it" Alexandra told her smiling reassuringly at her as if she could sense her thoughts running in all different directions.

"Alright let me text him" she eventually agreed knowing that the more time she spent putting it off the bigger the chances were that she would just ghost him. She knew herself and her tactic of running away from her problems, and no matter how difficult it felt she knew that Lando deserved more than her just shutting him out in order to not having to face her feelings.

Hi can we meet up later I need to talk about something with you

She felt a bit mean wording it like that but she also needed him to know that it was something serious she wanted to discuss with him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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