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She had woken up at the airport, her eyes feeling rough and her heart heavy but the realization that they were about to leave this place behind soothed her. Charles and Max were standing outside the car discussing something and she looked at them and couldn't help but feel bad about the worry that was written all over them.

"I'm sorry" she mumbled as she slung her arms around them burring her head in between their chest in the small group hug she had created.

"What on earth are you sorry for" Charles asked with confusion laced in his voice. Earning an agreeing sound from Max who looked equally as confused when she whit drew from the hug.

"I've barged in to your life's again after several years of treating you unfairly and all I bring is drama, I'm sorry" she clarified her thoughts.

"Oh Ella" Charles spoke pulling her into a hug once again "never say sorry for something like this, nothing of this is your fault"

"We are here because we want to be Ella, just like your always there for us when we need you" Max added and just as she was about to oppose to the statement Charles read her mind.

"No don't even say what I think you're about to say, you gave up your dream so I could live mine, you don't get to feel bad about leaving, nothing about that is unfair the only unfair thing here is the fact you had to live through it all, giving up your passion and I can never repay you for that Ella. I love you and I'm so sorry for the years we lost just please let me make the most of the time we have now" he ranted to her and she just hugged him tighter in response letting his words settle the bad feelings in her.

They had just landed in Nice waiting for the taxi to take them home. Home. Monaco. Two words she never had thought would ever fit in the same sentence again. But the more she thought about it the more she felt ready to call the country she had grown up in home again. The difference between back then and now was that the place now was filled with people she would call home wherever they might be in the world. She had Charles and Max, even Lando. As if he knew she'd been thinking about him she received a text.

Hey Ella how is it going?

Just got to Monaco


Yeah I had an productive day

Lunch tomorrow?

Yeah I would love that

Good see you tomorrow x

Goodnight Lan x

She smiled at her phone before putting it away to focus her eyes on the city before her, she had always loved the city at night, the beauty of the lights and the sound of the waves that could be heard once the traffic had died down. It felt good being back.

She woke up with the sun shining through the curtains she hadn't bothered closing last night, she had been so tired after all the events yesterday had brought she was asleep the second her head hit the pillow.

After a quick shower and getting ready for the day she ventured out into the apartment taking in how beautiful it was.

"Oh hi you must be Ella" a voice she didn't recognize spoke up from the kitchen.

"Yes hi" she said looking questionably at the girl before her, wondering who she might be.

"Oh sorry hi I'm Alexandra, Charles girlfriend" she introduced herself with a smile and Ella looked surprised at her.

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