Part 8

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Another month apart. It was killing them both but neither were going to admit to it. It was Kathleen's birthday and once again Liv was invited to the Stabler's to celebrate. It was a hot day so Liv pulled on a sundress which she realized was a big mistake as soon as she walked through the door. Elliot's eyes were on her in an instant and if the heat from the weather wasn't enough the heat from his eyes had her sweating.
She moved around the room saying hello to everyone and secretly thanking God that El moved to the opposite side of the house when she was talking to everyone.
She was happy that Amanda was there, it distracted her from Elliot but not from the feel of his eyes.
She moved into the garden, purposely moving away from Elliot.
"Here she is, the woman of the hour" Randall teased.
"Woman of the hour? What did I do to earn that title?"
"You screwed my brother"
"And on that note" Liv joked, turning to leave when Randall caught her arm.
"Just kidding" They both smiled "But seriously why him?"
"I must be stupid" She shrugged.
"Or in love" He suggested.
"I'm not so sure about that one"
"It's in your eyes though" He nudged her arm slightly.
"What's in his?" Randall thought for a moment.
"The fastest way to get you naked and in his bed again" Liv laughed loudly.
"No chance in hell" She laughed with him.
"What's so funny?" Elliot's voice startled her.
"Just you little brother" Randall answered for her.
"Liv, what was so funny?" He asked again, his blue eyes piercing her brown ones.
"Elliot, don't be rude"
"I don't care" The vein in his neck was pulsing, he's jealous.
"We were laughing at you" El grabbed her wrist and dragged her back through the apartment "El this is ridiculous!" He didn't care, he just kept dragging her until they were outside of his apartment in the hallway "What the hell are you doing?" She bit when he released her.
"My restraint is about to snap, Olivia"
Olivia. That made her shiver.
"Go screw yourself" She bit, turning to leave when he stopped her. He pinned her against the wall beside his door, pinning her hands above her head, their noses just inches apart.
Liv couldn't hide the gasp that jumped up in her throat.
"You wear a goddamn sundress and you laugh with my brother. You have no idea what that laugh or this sundress does to me" He bit, his words shutting down her brain. Then he was pressing his forehead against hers, his free hand dropping down to the slit in her dress. Liv let out another gasp as his hand met the skin of her knee.
"I prayed to God for strength the minute you walked into my apartment, but no amount of strength could stop me Olivia"
Olivia. Who knew hearing her own name would make her dizzy.
"I know what could be under this dress. I know what it looks like. I know what you look like" His hand inched higher, eliciting another little gasp. His thumb found her burn and he started tracing it in a figure eight.
"El. You did the same thing with your tongue" She realized out loud in a breathy little voice.
"Next time I'll spell out your name" Liv let out another gasp before El silenced her completely with his lips. Her eyes rolled shut as his lips devoured hers, her head hitting the wall slightly. She lifted the leg that he was touching, hoping that he would push his body against hers but he didn't. They both knew that they would take it all the way if he did.
Then the door was opened and Amanda was looking at them with wide eyes. Liv dropped her leg and pushed Elliot's hand away, her guilty look not fading.
"Sorry to interrupt" Amanda said looking between the pair as if she was trying to figure out what was going on between them.
"Nothing to interrupt" Liv muttered as she avoided making eye contact with Elliot.
"We should re-join the party Olivia" El purposely bit her name and Amanda didn't miss the way that Liv shuddered. Liv moved to head inside but Amanda stopped her.
"Your lipstick is smudged" Liv's hand went to the outline of her mouth and wiped away the smudged lipstick as Elliot did the same behind her. Amanda let Liv enter the house, glaring at Elliot before she followed after her.
Liv moved over to her friends, her body still on fire with Elliot's touch.
"What happened out there?" Fin asked.
"It looked very...hands on" Amanda told them.
"Liv? What did he say to you?" Fin asked. Liv picked up the nearest drink and down it before she answered.
"That his restraint is about to snap and that he knows what's under this sundress" She gulped.
"Seeing you laugh with another man will do that to a man that's in love with you" Amanda reminded her.
"Is he though? He acts like he can't stand to be around me and when I try to avoid him, he finds a way to make every other man irrelevant" Liv sighed.
"What exactly happened in that hallway?" Fin asked and the blush rose in Olivia's cheeks. She picked up another glass and down that one to.
"That good or that bad?" Amanda asked.
"It was...something" Liv admitted her eyes landing on Elliot's for a moment before they dropped them again.
"Twenty five years and he's still as dumb as ever" Fin muttered with a shake of his head.
"I still want him" Liv admitted "I must be dumb"
"No, you're a woman in love. And all we have to do is make his restraint snap" Amanda smirked at Liv and Carisi and Fin shared a concerned look.

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