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"Mom and dad are reuniting," she muses.
"Probably feels weird that you have a new dad, huh?"

It's been five days but finally there's been movement.
Daniel (my father)'s release took a lot longer than we all anticipated. He had to be released quietly because his was a high profile case.
The government making such an amateur mistake on such a case won't bode well for the support and trust of the people. So they kept it quiet.
Enzo will be here any minute now or early tomorrow morning.
As will Jayden...


We still haven't gone grocery shopping. So the ungodly amount of takeaway we've had is unparalleled.

If Daniel had always been around, I'd be a daddy's girl. Spoilt rotten and probably a little brat.

"I still can't believe it," I chuckle.
"I'm still not sure if I should call him that or not. I mean it would definitely make him happy, but it's still so new."

"At least you get along," she smiles, a slight sadness lurking in the depths of her eyes.
"I just know he's going to be super protective of you. Jayden is going to have a hard time for sure."

"Jayden's a tough cookie," I murmur as I begin to blush slightly, remembering my confession just a few days ago.
"But it's going to be hard for either of my parents to accept our relationship because of obvious reasons."

"Hey," she murmurs.
"You and Jayden will find a way. You're going to have your own cute little reunion soon enough."

"When are you and Enzo reuniting," I ask as I brush her hair out of her face.

"I'm not sure. He says it's been pretty chaotic with the Cerettis. He talked to Powers before we left, and it seems he'll be out soon because of the evidence Jayden has kept," she exhales as she lays her head down on her arm.
"I'm just hoping he's able to finally cut ties with them. He has been talking about getting out for so long now. And the babies? He's so excited for them, but we can't raise them together if he's in hiding, and following the Ceretti's around the globe."

"I trust that the fear the Ceretti's have, when it comes to those guys, will help big time," I grin as I pinch her cheek.
"You guys will be able to raise your daughters in a safer environment than the Ceretti life."

"Yea... we're kinda just throwing around ideas for names," she beams as she takes a big bite of the pizza that was leftover at lunch.

"Am I allowed to know," I ask softly.

"Of course! So, for one we're thinking about Kiara or Kirsten and middle name Zandiswa. Then the other, I'm stuck between Kacey and Kennedy, then her middle name would be Ndalo," she beams at me

"The Ks were definitely your idea," I chuckle as I take a swig of my beer.

"Duh. They're getting his surname! Might as well put my mark while I still can," she rolls her eyes.

"When are you getting his surname," I wink as a knock sounds on the door.

"Baby steps, Nandipha. Baby steps," she says with a mouth full of pizza as I walk to open the door.

"Dad," I beam as I wrap my arms around the tall man in the door.
"It's okay if I call you that, right?"

"Hey, little girl," he chuckles.
"Well, I am your father so it's only appropriate."

"It's going to take some getting used to," I chuckle sheepishly as I hug him again.

"You're definitely a lot heavier than when I last picked you up," he chuckles as he hoists me up in an embrace.

Toasty Embers (Book #1.5 Of Fire Series)Where stories live. Discover now