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"So he moved in," Leigh gasps.
"Just like that?"

I nod, the annoyance evident on my face.

"What a cock-block," she tuts quietly as she hands me a plate of pancakes.
"It's an everything block to be honest, you can't even touch yourself anymore."

"I wasn't touching myself to begin with," I scoff as I roll my eyes at her.

"I'll just pretend I believe that," she titters.
"Still, having your mom and dad live with you while your boyfriend is right down the hall, isn't ideal."

My parents decided that it was such a great idea to stay with me for a few nights while they sus Enzo and Jayden out.

My father seems to want to take them out of the Cerettis business and right into his own. He says that they are an invaluable asset to 'the team'.

Cue our very first argument.

I didn't want Jayden - and Enzo by extension- to continue working in this world.

"He's twenty three, dad," I spat as I threw my arms in the air.
"He has his whole life ahead of him."

"You're awfully fond of this young man, Caia," he stated quietly, but it sounded dangerous and almost like a threat.
"If Reaper didn't want to work for me, he'd get the hell out of my building. So stop this nonsense. He's a grown man, he can fight his own battles."

"But-" I began but immediately he held his hand up dismissively.

"I've said my piece," he grunted.
"If you don't like it, then go cry about it. I don't have time for this. There are much more dire situations happening in the world."

That was last night, immediately after Enzo and Jayden arrived.

This morning my parents barged in, carrying over night bags and toiletries. When I asked them what was going on, my father declared, "We're going to stay here for a few days."

"For what reason," I questioned, hand on hip and lone eyebrow raised.

"Do we need a reason to want to spend time with our beautiful daughter," he shrugged as my mother gave him a side eye.

"You do know that y'all live upstairs," I pressed on.
"I can just take the lift up."

"You're so against us bonding, Caia," he sighed.
"Is it because of tha-"

"Okay that's enough from the both of you," my mother stated sternly.
"Your dad thinks there's something going on between you and Jayden, so he wants to keep an eye on you two."

"Wehh[Geez], Jehova Jireh," I exclaimed as I threw my hands in the air again, turning around to walk out.

"So you are seeing that boy," he barked as he began to follow me.

"Yho haibo, ma ngiyacela bandla khuluma naye[Oh gosh, mom talk to him, pretty please]," I exhaled right before I closed the door in his face and came to Leigh and Enzo's apartment.

"He isn't exactly my boyfriend yet," I sigh as Leigh takes a seat beside me.

"The ball is in your court ke, dali [then darling]," she sighs.
"We're all waiting on you to give him an answer."

"Manje mhlawumbe ungangixoxela ukuthi ngizokhuluma naye nini [Now, maybe you can tell me when I'll talk to him]," I scoff.
"Read the room, Kayleigh. I'm currently under 24/7 surveillance."

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