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It is a strange occurrence really. The happenings of the last week, or so, have really stumped Nandi.

Her sleep is so far removed from her life, that she is growing more and more agitated.

With Jayden having had to leave a few days prior, after being home for a good month, she is alone to deal with her insomnia.

Like any of us would do, curiousity gets the better of her and she unlocks her phone.
Her tapping and scrolling leads her to a search that reads:
Pregnant with IUD in?

The images she finds online are nothing short of mortifying. Ranging from the reminder that birth control is never 100% effective, to babies born and an IUD extracted from the mother shortly after.

A decision manifests instantly and she knows she needs to get the facts, not panic over possibility. So she spends the night waiting.

Sleep is but a wink, and a mere breath later, it is morning.

A longer bath than usual, a sizable breakfast and a harassing case of nausea later, she is calling for their newest head of security, Jim Daniels.

"Uncle Jim, I need to go to the mall, for grocery shopping," she says casually not daring to meet his eye as she walks towards the garage.

"Miss Zondi," he warns light-heartedly.

They have grown to be rather good friends in the year or so they've known each other.
They occasionally bicker like siblings, Jim being the bigger brother.

He protects her like he is. Not necessarily because it is his job but because he genuinely cares for the troublemaker. Both her and Jayden in fact.

He holds the loving, carefree, gentle-hearted pair rather close to his heart.

"Mr Daniels," she murmurs back, grabbing her keys and walking to grab the door handle.

"Let me take you," he huffs with humour.
"Even though you know you could just have it delivered."

The grin that befalls her lips is all smug, appreciative and expectant as she waits for him to lead the way.

He takes the keys from her and walks towards the black SUV already parked in front of the house.

"If I get fired or, more likely, beaten within an inch of my life by your vicious boyfriend, I'll never sneak ice cream and allergex for you ever again," he grumbles not looking at her.
"I'll just get the ice cream and leave you to suffer alone."

"As long as I'm still getting the ice cream," she cackles as she walks into the door he has opened for her.

He scoffs, closes the door behind her and gets into the driver's seat adjacent to her.

The ride to the mall is anything but silent. The two have this uncanny ability to talk about any and everything.

Her, very likely, neurodivergent mind is constantly encouraged by Jim's intrigue.

Jim is actually an old friend of her father. Someone he had taken under his wing before she was born, and so he trusts him more than most.

He is an average height, bald and very muscular kullid man with a warm smile. He fits the special agent look when he isn't smiling, but as soon as he sports his pearly whites he screams family man.

Once arrived at the mall, Nandi wastes no time in rushing towards the nearest pharmacy. She doesn't even check prices anymore as she grabs five different brands of pregnancy tests. All shapes and sizes, it doesn't matter. She needs to be absolutely sure.

A pack of sanitary pads and another of tampons is added to the basket, For good luck she tells herself.

Not that a child, especially with Jayden, would be bad luck. She just had a plan. A plan to marry the love of her life, meaning Jayden Henry van Tonder. Then she would travel with him, you know enjoy their time together before deciding to welcome a third.

Toasty Embers (Book #1.5 Of Fire Series)Where stories live. Discover now