Before the Fireplace

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Toasty embers twinkle lightly in the dimly lit room. The flame dances gracefully within its cage and another flame grows uncontrollably bright before it.

There they are, a mythical seductress with her grim lover, before the fireplace.

Her sighs and sweet moans echo in the otherwise quiet apartment. His lips are attached to her neck as he gently sucks.
Their gowns have slowly begun to come off to reveal them at their barest forms.

She can't exactly help the not so subtle glances towards his shaft. Just a second ago she thought it stood erect, not deprived of length, but looking again it is even grander than before.

He is subconsciously all over the place. Where shall he focus? What brings his manhood more life? Her soft lips that still taste like sweet red wine? Her plump and erect breasts that brush against his chest? Her rounded ass that feels like a pillow to hold? Or her ocean seeping out to ever so slightly coat his thigh in her arousal, unbeknownst to her?

"Are you okay," Jayden asks quietly as he caresses her bare ass.

"Yea," Nandi murmurs in return, unaware that she has started to quiver slightly in anticipation.

"Do you still want to do this," the 'whipped' man inquires as he smiles warmly up at her.

"More than anything," she moans as she leans in to capture his lips in a sensual kiss.
"Did that sound desperate? I meant yes."

He laughs lazily, before spanking her gently and harshly grabbing a handful of her behind.
"You're overthinking this, baby," he murmurs.
"Do you trust me?"

"Yes," she murmurs as her eyes quickly dart down to lock on his considerable length once again.

That's got to be at least seven, maybe eight, actually. She thinks to herself as she unconsciously takes a deep breath in.

The gaze is a second too long to go unnoticed. Jayden chuckles seductively and pulls her until her core is pressed against it.

"Do you want me to guide you," he inquires as he grabs her ass cheeks and spreads them slightly.

She releases a slightly louder sound that causes her to bite her lip in embarrassment. Not trusting her mouth anymore, she nods eagerly at his offer.

"Look at you. I haven't even started and you're already speechless," he chuckles darkly.
"Do you want me to talk you through?"

"Yes, please," she murmurs as she tries to find her voice again.

"Alright then, mama," he chuckles and slaps her ass one last time before nudging her to stand up.
"Can you get up for me?"

"Okay," she squeaks.

And get up for him, she does.

He stands up as well and walks closer, so close that his now fully erect shaft presses against her lower abdomen.

She inhales sharply as she looks down at it, lust permeating off her caramel frame.
Not quickly enough she pries her eyes off his shaft and meets his watchful, amused gaze.

He has become the epitome of desire in the few minutes since she asked him to make love to her. He has to hold the reminder of gentleness and patience, near and dear. It has been a long time since he decided to take this step, so- in his mind- he is a ball of energy and excitement.

One of his hands reaches behind her and pulls her closer. The sight is sinful, as his length slowly slides up her abdomen as she inches closer.
In a way, he gave her an analogous visual of the reach he will have once the time comes.

Toasty Embers (Book #1.5 Of Fire Series)Where stories live. Discover now