Count Me Out

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Nandi is such a clingy, affectionate girlfriend. She stays attached to Jayden's side like a loyal little kitten, with big fluffy fur and curious brown eyes.

But the same can be said for Jayden, who "interrupts her whenever she's busy". He can't help it though, he's completely enamoured by her, and getting to know her more has been such a ride.

The last 10 or so months have really done them both a lot of good. Considering they moved in together technically before they even got into a relationship, it hasn't been short of interesting and it is definitely taking some getting used to.

Enzo and Leigh had their twin daughters a few months ago, but now Jacqueline, Enzo's grandmother, has quite literally begged them to get out of the house. That is what led to the couple having lunch, then dinner, and now a games night with Nandi and Jayden.

"Truth or Dare, babe," Nandi beams at her best friend, as she giggles beginning to feel the effects of the few Strawberry Daquiris she chugged down earlier.

"Dare," Leigh chuckles at Nandi's adorable face as the drinks start to settle into her best friend's blood.

"I dare you to demonstrate the position you think the girls were conceived with, but keep it PG," she warns with a slight pout.
"You have to act it out but it mustn't be TOO obvious that you're demonstrating a sexy time position."

"How the fuck do we even do that?" Enzo laughs from beside Leigh as she giggles while looking at him.

She leans into his ear and whispers something quickly, before they both stand up and Leigh exits the room.

Enzo begins doing a very awkward cobra pose and talking about chakras, while Leigh walks back into the room.

"Hi, you must be the yoga instructor. I'm Kayleigh. I'm here for the class," Leigh smiles, stifling a giggle as Enzo rises from the floor with a flirty grin.

"Lovely to meet you, beautiful Miss Kayleigh. My name is Enzokuhle, but my friends call me Enzo. So call me Enzo," he purrs as he winks at her, before peppering a few kisses up her arm.

"Are all yoga instructors like this," Jayden asks Nandi quietly, involuntarily pulling her closer, which makes her giggle.

"Only the perverted ones. And don't worry my yoga instructor is an asexual hippie who is a woman," she giggles.
"What, did you really think that I had someone like him as an instructor?"

"Of course not, I was just curious," Jayden grumbles in response.

"Aww was the big, strong JayJay worried?"


"Well there's nothing you need to worry about, daddy. I'm all yours, no one dares to even look at me the way you do," she purrs into his ear as her hand sneakily travels up his thigh.

"Good," he smirks back at her after peeling his eyes away from the couple in front of him who do all sorts of stretches together.
"By the way, I hear orgasms are a great pain reliever for those period cramps of yours. The shower is a great place to test that theory out, since the sheets are white."

Nandi's jaw slacks as she quickly snatches her wandering hand away from her boyfriend's high libidinous gaze, "That's not necessary. It was my last day, yesterday."

"Even better," he muses as he pats her thigh slowly, refocusing his attention on Enzo and Leigh who continue with their skit.

Nandi remains silent as she swallows nothing and stares ahead at Leigh and Enzo.

"Uhm. Enzo I can't really do this pose," she giggles as she lays on the ground with a knee up almost touching her chest.

Enzo smirks as rises from his position and says, "Let me help you, ma'am."

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