Forever, You and I

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Blue and purple light pours onto their sweaty bodies. Jupiter has gotten a lot braver with where her hands land on Nandi's body, and the latter is drunk enough to not mind it, too much.

"I thought you and Reaper are a thing," she purrs as she gets on her tip toes and leans into Nandi's neck.

"We are," Nandi giggles as she gently pushes her away for the umpteenth time since she started drinking her tequila shots.
"And I don't think he'll appreciate it when he comes and finds you fondling me."

"I'm the last person to care about what a man appreciates, babe," the older women chuckles.

"You're drunk, Jupiter," the younger tuts, leading her to the booth where Powers, Cannon -Powers' son-, Piper and a few of the people who work for Thorn are.
"Who's on hangover duty, Jupiter will need a support system in the morning."


"Guys," Nandi sighs.
"I'm busy tomorrow, I can't take care of her."

"I'm just a little buzzed, love, you're killing the mood," Jupiter argues.

"C'mere you beautiful mahogany hunk," she continues, flirting with Cannon.
"I'm feeling experimental tonight."

Cannon chuckles as he stands up from his seat and comes to wrap an arm around our shoulders.

"How about a dance," he muses as his arms travel a tad lower.

"No tha-" Nandi starts but Jupiter immediately interrupts her.

"You're going to have a dance with us, Siren," Jupiter exhales, full of frustration.
"It won't kill you, I can promise you that."

"It won't kill me," Nandi mutters as her eyes dart towards the entrance.

Jayden has -for a lack of better words- a jealous streak. If he isn't all pouty and upset for the next week, he might punch a few 'beautiful mahogany hunks'.

She became aware of it during their first three months together, but it became much more apparent after they made love.

It has been about two weeks since their first night together and surprisingly, he hasn't made a move to spend another night of passion with her.

He had looked at her with guilt and self-loathing when she awoke the next morning, unable to walk or even move without feeling pain. She had relied on him to move around their apartment then, and he had insisted on doing everything for her.

"I'm alright, baby," she chuckled.
"I probably just need to walk it off."

And then she proceeded to wince with pain as she attempted to stand on her own.

Naturally the pain only lasted a few hours and had subsided drastically by the night time. The guilt had already embedded itself into his body though.

After a few days she had tried to hint at him -too shy to say it outright-, but he had gently rejected her advances and kept himself busy with the few documents her father had sent him.
The sudden shift worried her and the intrusive thoughts seeped into her mind.

What if I was so bad he doesn't even want to do it again?
What if all he wanted was the chase and the challenge?
What if he stayed only because he works for my father?
What if...
What if...
What if...

In reality Jayden's attitude towards Nandi hadn't changed in the slightest. His desire was stronger and love burned brighter. He was still the dorky, clingy puppy Nandi had fallen in love with, but he was wading in a sea of guilt and self-loathing.

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