From One (Ch. 1 extras)

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"I dare you to kiss the girl you like," Leigh sings across the room at an annoyed Jayden. The green glass bottle is taunting him, laughing at him for agreeing to come here in the first place.

The room erupts into giggles and cheers, as Jayden sluggishly rolls his eyes, secretly glancing around the room to see her reaction.

The situation he finds himself in is quite the dilemma. Should he kiss the girl he has casually started seeing, or the girl he can't help but gawk at and pester Kayleigh about?

"She's gotten less action than an incel," Leigh had sputtered loudly across the room as Logan prepared some snacks and Ethan played some video games.

"That's her own fault. She rejects literally everyone who doesn't look like those male leads from mangas," Ethan chuckled causing bits of his protein bar to fly out.

"Well obviously! When you look like this, that's what I would expect," Leigh had scoffed in return as she waved her phone in Ethan's face, earning herself a mean growl from him, as he tried to see the television screen again.

"See?" She continued as she showed Jayden the picture, plopping down beside him.

"What's her name," Jayden had inquired quietly as he looked at the picture.

Immediately he knew that something was brewing inside of him as a small, barely detectable smile creeped onto his pink lips. He knew then that this innocent, beautiful girl with a curly afro was going to be on his mind for a while.

How long? Even he didn't know, but he told himself it certainly wouldn't be that long.

"Nandipha," Leigh beamed at him, as she noticed his sudden intrigue.

"She's a new student in my Film studies class. Should I set you guys up," she giggled as she wiggled her eyebrows at him.

"What? No," Jayden huffed as he pushed the phone away. His heavenly eyes finding refuge in the kaleidoscope of colours bursting on the screen as Ethan's game got louder.

"Come on, dude. That girl you're seeing literally just wants to smash and go. And I'm sure she's been with all the rugby team captains! You need a girlfriend now," Leigh chuckled humourlessly as she poked his ribcage relentlessly.
"I'll throw a house party and invite her. You better make a move on her!"

"I'm not rugby captain anymore. And shouldn't you be worried about the situation between you and Enzo," he deadpanned as his eyes met hers again.

"This.... Is NOT.. about me and him, Jayden."
"We're on speaking terms again since you're so curious," she grumbled as she swiftly abandoned her seat beside him.
"I know you think she's beautiful, just go for it."

"Good luck with that," Ethan muttered, just loud enough for Jayden to hear but not loud enough for Leigh to hear.

Perhaps it was a warning. Maybe after years of being by her side, Ethan had finally decided to make his move.

Whatever it was, and what the intention behind those words were, Jayden heard the words loud and clear.

"Back off."

He knew and obeyed, because drama was the last thing he wanted. Not over some attraction he believed he would eventually get over anyway.

The clocks turn viciously in Jayden's head and his teeth capture his bottom lip, that is when his eyes meet her clueless, elated eyes.

"Jayden is so fine, don't you think," Leigh muses into Nandi's ear.

Nandi smiles, and it is both flustered and bold. Her lips allow a breath to fan over Leigh's attentive ears, and her eyes hold onto the vision of the gorgeous blue eyed brunette a few metres in front of her.
"Fine is an understatement, that man is B.E.A.utiful. His entire friend group screams perfection."

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