Siren (Ch. 29 extras)

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"What are you waiting for, van Tonder? Get into the water," Nandi sings as she struts away from Jayden's amused yet shocked (and stark naked) form.

"This area is known for its jellyfish, you know," he calls out to her, but she isn't even listening anyway. The sea is calling her in.

"When are we braaing[barbecuing] the boerewors [South African sausage]?! I'm hungry," Leigh calls from the water, Enzo's face buried in her nape and his hands caressing her stomach.

Nandi chuckles carelessly, hand on hip and beauteous brunette hot on her heels.
"We've only been here for 30 minutes."

"To be fair, she's eating for three," the brunette chuckles as he offers her a hand, before stepping into the cold water.

She playfully rolls her eyes at him but takes his hand anyway.

"Don't roll your eyes at me," he teases quietly, sending her a phony glare.

The little brat or -currently in Jayden's eyes- the little tease, steps closer to him and rolls her eyes ever more dramatically. The action cracks them both up and they share a brief, yet wholesome, chuckle.

"I'm still hungry, njalo [you know (in this context)]," Leigh huffs while freeing herself from Enzo the koala.

"Okay okay, there's some mince and cheese sandwiches that Ouma Lizzie [Grandma Lizzie] packed," Nandi exhales as she watches her friend inching closer.
"And we still have some cooldrinks."

"No you need something warm now. I'll quickly go back to make you some hot chocolate," Enzo says with a frown.

"Aww," Leigh swoons, very clearly near tears.
"You would do that for me?"

"Uhm... Yes? The house isn't that far, and besides, those are my heirs you're carrying."

"Needs work, but that was sweet enough," Nandi laughs with her one hand on her hip, her other still comfortably in Jayden's.

"You scrutinize everything I do," Enzo stares at her with boredom.

"You're still on probation, sir," she shrugs.

Leigh, last name Holmes, notices the joined hands and subtly eyes the pair with a smile that desperately wants to creep up on her plump lips. Nandi notices her line of vision, and so does Enzo.

"Anyway there's a food truck, café thingie just there, I'm sure they have warm drinks. I'll go with Leigh while y'all take the sandwiches out," Nandi hastily states as she practically rips her hand from Jayden's.

Before any rebuttal or comment can be made, she grasps a hold of Leigh's hand and drags her in the direction of the truck.

"Woah, don't you want to get dressed first," Jayden inquires gently as he begins to walk towards them.
"We're still in South Africa."

"Oh, uhm... Yea," she stammers slightly.

"We'll leave you to it," Enzo offers, placing his hand on Jayden's shoulder, then subtly tugging him away.

It's as if there is a magnetic field of attraction between Nandi and Jayden, as both Enzo and Leigh struggle to pull their respective friend away from each other.

Enzo is already chuckling rather loudly by the time the girls are well out of earshot.
"You're whipped, man."

"What do you mean," the younger man asks with his eyes still darting towards the girl. His girl?

"Just go for it. The worst she can say is no," Enzo states, oozing frustration and annoyance.
"I'm sure she's noticed the looks you've been giving her by now."

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