03 - Talentless

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The three of us made our way down the stairs to the first floor

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The three of us made our way down the stairs to the first floor. Kaede led the way to the end of the hallway which was blocked by a gate.

"Hm.. looks like it won't budge" Kaede noted. "Let's see if there's anything the southern way"

So we turned the other way, this time with me leading. I saw a checkered door in the distance so I began to walk faster. I wanted to explore as much as possible. I know I keep saying this, but this whole situation is seriously uncanny.

I grabbed the handle and tried to turn it. Locked.. of course. For some reason, this door looked familiar.. I had to let the other two know that we couldn't open the door instead of standing and looking stupid.

"No luck. It's locked."

"Looks like we can't go into the gym," Kaede said. Shuichi was silent, like always, but something was off. He seemed to be deep in thought.

"What's the matter, Shuichi?" Kaede asked before I could. She's super quick with her sentences, geez.

"It's nothing.. I just feel strange" he replied.

"Strange? Strange about what?" I questioned. All of a sudden he feels strange? Same to be honest.

"Like... deja vu? I feel like I've been here before"

So it wasn't just me. Or well.. at least about that door.

"We might be...caught up in something even stranger than we imagined" he put a hand over his mouth. Of course this is strange! Did he think this was normal or something?

" W-Well, it's natural to feel unsettled when we know so little about what's going on... we'll probably be fine" The blonde said half enthusiastically.

"Yeah, whatever you say.." I uttered a little too loudly. Kaede obviously heard me and prepared to speak with a determined look on her face.

" Cheer up, (name)! We have 17 ultimate students on our side!" She looked me in my eyes. This is getting really intimate.. "As long as we work together as friends, I just know nothing bad will happen!"

"Okay Piano freak, don't jinx it" I smiled. I hope she didn't think I was being rude. I assumed she found it okay since she still displayed a wide smile. We continued to venture through the first floor.

After walking for a while, we came across a lean, green-haired guy. He wore baggy clothes, nothing too flashy, and had some cool ear piercings, like mine!

He seemed to notice us and his straight face changed into a friendly one.

"Oh hey there. You guys get kidnapped too?"

He waved and smiled. I noticed the rings and the bracelet he had on. Don't stare too much, (name)..

" Well, you three look alright. That's good. Situation could be better, though" he crossed his arms. Kaede and I agreed while Shuichi stayed silent like always.

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