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We trekked down the stairs with Shuichi leading in front just like Kaede ordered

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We trekked down the stairs with Shuichi leading in front just like Kaede ordered. It is pretty spooky down here, but not to Kaede, of course.

    "It doesn't look very dangerous to me" Luckily, Shuichi had a smart response to her remark.

    " Ah, well...some dangers are hidden where you can't see"

"He isn't wrong. You have to watch your backk" I chimed in.

The pianist just grinned. "You two have quite the imaginations, don't you?"

Is she serious? We're in an unfamiliar place and you're going to assume that all is safe because you don't see anything? She'd be the first dead in a horror movie!

    " No, I just think you're not considering how dangerous this is..." Shuichi almost said what I had wanted to, just a lot cooler.

    "Yeah, maybe. But we should look around the basement, too"

At least she's aware of the dangers now.. kinda.

The three of us decided to check out what was clearly a library first. We were silent until Kaede asked the most stupid question I had heard in a while.

    " Is this a library?"

"No, Kaede. it's a gymnasium you silly goose!" I playfully corrected her. I obviously wasn't serious though. The two ultimates stood confused.

"Duhh it's a library! Where else would have this many books?"

Kaede averted her eyes away from me and shyly smiled while mumbling something I couldn't hear.

We investigated the library after a short conversation of noticing the books not being neat. As I looked closer at the books on the shelf, they were written in languages we all couldn't understand. Wasn't planning on doing much reading anyway...

While the other two were still looking around, I spotted a girl with dark brown hair and red clothing standing by a shelf. How did I not see her when we first came in here? I cleared my throat and prepared myself to talk before walking up to her.

    "I'm going to guess you're an ultimate student too" I politely intruded into her solitude. She stared at me for a while with eyes that could make someone bleed to death if looks could kill.

"yeah, that's right" She finally responded after a long period of silence. The conversation didn't last long as she went silent again.

    "Okay uh.. I'm (Name) (Last name), the ultimate DJ" I hesitated to hold out my hand because she didn't seem too friendly. I just stared at her while smiling, hoping she'd introduce herself without me having to pry.

Eventually, she let out a sigh after what seemed like two decades of silence. The only thing I could hear during that duration was Kaede and Shuichi softly conversing in another area in the library from time to time.

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