The Witchfinder

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Amity woke up the next morning with sore muscles, aching head, and a sore throat. When her body regained its sense of feeling, she realized she was covered with a rather heavy, yet fluffy quilt. Her ears twitched and her face contorted in a mixed feeling of pain and comfort. A loud groan left her throat and she finally managed to crack her eyes open.

"What the hell?" She wondered out loud, taking in her surroundings.

The morning light illuminated the room. Amity turned to her right where she noticed Luz's sleeping form, scarred brow ticking in her sleep. The white cat, that she recognized from the time spent at Danielle's house, was sleeping on the pillow between them, purring slightly.

What surprised the witch was that she was under a separate blanket. She tried to sit up but her body was secured under the extra weight. Amity looked to the left and was surprised to find Danielle under the fuzzy blue comforter, sleeping in the armchair, her legs stretched out on the footrest. Her chest raised evenly while she was still sleeping calmly.

"Danielle?" Amity whispered in surprise, she finally sat up and the heavy quilt rolled off her body, making her immediately miss the extra weight.

"Mmm... Amity?" Danielle croaked and cleared her throat, "You're awake?" She asked, wiping sleep away from her eyes.

"What did I miss?" The witch asked.

Her hair ruffled, while she stretched her hands forward until her nails lengthened just to retract when the witch yawned delicately, presenting her fangs, not realizing the white cat mirrored the feline-like behavior, bringing a smile to the human's face.

"Oh, you mean the blanket," Danielle said with a smile, she sat up finding a more comfortable position, "We may have had a situation in the middle of the night," She said and that explained exactly nothing, "You had nightmares and you started throwing fireballs around the room. Gus brought that blanket from his van. He said it's covered with witch's wool or something like that..." She explained and Amity's brows traveled up in shock, "I gotta admit, your walls are pretty magic resistant too..."

"H-he brought it for me?" Amity interrupted with disbelief.

"Yeah... He was pretty bummed out about your interaction yesterday. To say the least," Danielle said and Amity looked away sheepishly, her ears slanted in regret.

"I'm not without fault too..."

"He's willing to try again if you want," The older brunette said with a smile and the witch looked back at her, not entirely sure she heard her right. The pointy ears perked up and the pale lips cracked a small smile.

"Gladly but I'd rather wait for Luz to wake up," She looked back to her girlfriend's sleeping form and brushed bangs away from her face, her thumb caressing the scars on her cheek.

"You have to stop blaming yourself for those," Danielle surprised her, pinpointing perfectly the current source of her intrusive thoughts. The white cat slithered under the witch's hand, demanding to be petted, distracting Amity in the process.

"But if not for me..."

"Nope!" Danielle was stern and dead serious, "You are not responsible for other people's decisions."

"But I..." She looked into the green eyes, feeling helpless.

"You looked for her, you found her, you saved her. End of topic," Danielle interrupted once again and tied her brows in a warning. Amity sighed in defeat, and pulled the knees to her chest, tugging the blanket closer in, finding safety under its weight.

"She died while we were setting her bones and then was asleep for over three weeks," Amity whispered blankly, recalling the longest wait in her life, "Then she had to learn how to move all over again. She was so weak she had to be fed... She had nightmares and attacks where she confused me for my mother..." She paused, her eyes roaming the room while she recalled their time in the Clinic, "I'm sorry... It's just... It's still quite fresh," Amity wiped unshed tears away.

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