Chapter 1- Enter

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"You have to go.." Kushina said, "for me, please."

The blond sighs, staring at his surroundings through the car window. It pained him that he has to restart his whole journey due to conflicts that occurred in his old school. Fighting and getting expelled. It was a mist of obstacles.

The one thing Naruto feared most though, was disappointing his mother. After losing his father Minato, life hasn't been the same. It was a drastic change for the both.

"I will, mom."

He unbuckles his seatbelt, returning a nice warm smile to his mother Kushina before leaving the car. Once he steps out, the cold breeze brushes against his skin, causing him to internally shiver.

The blond turns and faces the car as it drove away, disappearing into the shadows. "bye mom." Naruto whispers to himself.

He gathers himself together, gaining the courage to step into the school. It wasn't that he was scared but being a new student in some rich school was never a good sign. He mentally prepared himself before his feet began moving on his own, towards the building.

Finally stepping in, he was introduced to a whole new world. The interior of the building was fantastic. Completely better than his old school. He gulped, staring at the beautiful color scheme and structure.

As he views the inside, countless of whispers flew from one ear to another. Naruto cocks an eyebrow, trying to process what the people were saying. After a few attempts, he was able to get something out of the crowd.

"He's so... hot."

Naruto mentally smiles as he tunes into the compliments he received. However, he brushes them all off in order to try and find the main office where he can grab his schedule and get on with his day.

Naruto begins to walk around the school, trying his hardest to find the office. He wasn't sure of the number or what it looked like. His patience starts to die down but he hated the fact of asking for help. Especially when you don't know anyone.

He quickly paces himself again, scanning every door of the hallways. Gaining annoyance, the blond finally gives in and looks for the closest person by to ask for help.

Naruto began to look around and in the corner of his eyes, he took notice of a guy with red hair. 'Ok. You got this. Just ask.' He thought.

Naruto slowly walks up to the red haired individual and didn't say a word. It took the awkward standing in order for him to take notice of him.

"Can I help you?" The red haired asks in confusion.

Naruto awkwardly smiles. "Ah yes, Do you know where the main office is?"

"Hm, new student?" He asks, dismissing Naruto's question.

Naruto nods his head, still awaiting a response.

"I'm Gaara, you?"

"Naruto uzumaki."

"Hm." Gaara says, placing his fingers on his chin.

"Yeah. so about the office..." the blond asks, bringing back the main issue.

"Ah right. It's room 106. Keep moving straight and take-"

"Who's this?" One says, interrupting Gaara mid-sentence.

Naruto's eyes follows the voice and laid his eyes upon a black haired individual with onyx eyes.

"Oh, hi Sasuke. It's some new student."

The raven glares at the blond. Naruto has just arrived and it seems as if the tension was as high as it could get. Sasuke could barely hide his fist behind his back.

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