Chapter 7- Trouble

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Day by Day, Naruto was bossed around by Sasuke, sending him across town and having him buy loads of things only to quickly dismiss all the items. It amused the raven, watching the blond listen to his commands.

Even during school, when Sasuke desired something, he'd text Naruto to give it to him and Naruto would have to make excuses to leave the classroom and immediately get what he asks.

At times, Naruto regrets his decision. Is getting exposed really that bad now? Is it really worse than sasukes horrible commanding?

This whole situation became the main topic of conversations amongst peers. People wondered if Sasuke and Naruto are friends, considering the fact that Naruto was fulfilling sasukes desires, unaware of how much they really hated each other.

Back to present era, it is now Wednesday and Naruto's day hasn't been going so smoothly. Sasukes demands were going to be the end of him.

"Naruto?" Hinata calls, shifting Naruto's gaze onto hers. She could see the exhaustion in his eyes. "You seem troubled.."

Naruto shrugs his shoulder and responds, "I suppose I am."

Attempting to lighten the mood, Hinata suggests, "Want to hang out after school?"

Naruto smiles slightly, noticing how comfortable Hinata seems to be around him. He replies with a simple "sure."

Hinata returns the smile briefly, "but...."

Naruto tilts his head, awaiting for the continuation

Hinata begins, trying to keep herself together. "My cousin.." she then pauses, gathering her thoughts. "Is coming..."

Naruto questions in confusion, "Neji?" And receives a nod from hinata. It's not that Naruto dislikes him. He doesn't show any dislike towards sasukes friend group. But, he only thinks about how awkward it would be. He also couldn't help but think how Sasuke would feel or react to this.

"That's fine, where are we going?" Naruto asks her. She quickly responds, "A fancy restaurant, don't worry my cousin will pay." Naruto nods his head, smiling, but deep down Naruto always brings money because he hates when people pay for him.

After finalizing the plan, Naruto was unsure if he should bring this to Sasuke. Like when sasuke asks his daily question, "what are you doing?" And Naruto answers, Sasuke completely dismisses the plan and tells Naruto to stay home. However Naruto really wants to do this for hinata so he wasn't sure if he was going to lie to the raven.

Naruto hurried to his other classes, following the same consistent procedures. Despite obeying Sasuke, they do not talk on a regular. Even if it's a negative situation. Sasuke ignores him, not even batting an eye to the blond.

As school hours finished, Naruto waited for Hinata outside the school. Once she finally came, Naruto's heart skipped a beat seeing neji right next to her.

"Hey Naruto!" Hinata says cheerfully. "Ready?" Naruto smiles and nods his head but neji remains silent. Naruto quickly scans the area and notices the raven come out the school. He moves away from sasukes sight, causing both of them to follow him.

"Naruto? Why are we going this way..." hinata asks, puzzled by the sudden change of direction.

"Ah! You know... shortcut..?," Naruto answers, his response filled with hesitation. Neji shoots a glare at the blond but still remains quiet.

'He's an interesting one' neji thought.'

It wasn't a long walk to the fancy restaurant. They quickly got themselves comfortable once they arrived. Naruto immediately checks out the menu, licking his lips as he stares at the tasty foods. However, unfortunate for him, his phone buzzes.

(Sasuke)- where are you?

Naruto was unsure on how to reply. He thinks to himself, 'should I lie?' 'He won't know right?'. With a click of a button, he types the following words,

I'm home.

'I did it..' Naruto thinks, a bit scared. His thoughts then became interrupted by neji, who calls his name, "Naruto?"

Naruto snaps back into reality, "what? Sorry."

Neji smiles gently. "It's time to order."

Naruto returns the smile, a bit embarrassed. "Oh... um I'll just have a salad." He says to the waiter.

Hinata orders the same, but also raises her eyebrows at the blond, vividly remembering his fondness for ramen. Neji on the other hand, ordered rice and chicken.

The waiter leaves, and the table sits in silence.

"So um hinata!!" Naruto initiates the conversation. "What do you plan on majoring in?"

"Probably pre-med like Sakura. Law is a backup option." She replies.

Naruto glances at Neji, who seems to be distracted by his phone, texting away. "Neji? What about you?" The blond asks awkwardly.

Neji looks up from his phone, "Probably business, or whatever shikamaru does." He replies.

'Shikamaru?' Naruto thinks to himself, 'do I know him?'

neji picks up on Naruto's confused expression. "He's the top of every class, smart guy but lazy." He explains.

"Top?" Naruto asks, "I thought it was Sasuke."

Neji responds, "he's smart, possibly smarter than shikamaru. He just doesn't place the effort into his studies."

Naruto clicks his tongue, "oh." After that small conversation, the waiter returns with all the food. Naruto slightly gagged at the salad as he wasn't the biggest fan but the atmosphere at the time was a bit tense.

As Naruto reaches for his fork, the door of the restaurant swings open. It could be anyone right? Could be an old man or a young girl who's lost? No. It is Sasuke Uchiha. Naruto remains frozen, his fork in his hand.

Neji rises to greet Sasuke, while the blond remains in his seat, stunned. The raven then moves and takes a seat next to Naruto, across hinata and Neji.

Hinata glares gently and asks, "Are you guys good now..? You and Naruto" Sasuke only smirks and responds, "maybe."

Naruto looks the opposite direction from Sasuke, in hopes he could find excuses he might need. His heart starts to race faster, feeling the weight of sasukes negative energy taking a toll on him.

"You okay?" Neji asks, his question draws everyone's attention on the blond.

Naruto looks back and nods, mumbling, "yeah.." before taking a bite of his salad.

"Naruto.." Sasuke says, his eyes piercing into Naruto's soul, "didn't know you were here."

Naruto remains silent, hoping the topic of the conversation will be changed.

"Neji, can you grab me a fork?" Sasuke asks nicely, prompting Neji to lazily rise from his seat and head to the front.

Noticing his disappearance, Sasuke leans in close to Naruto's ears, whispering, "you messed up." Naruto begins to slightly shake at the sound of those words, biting his tongue harshly.

"Sasuke? What are you saying to him?" Hinata asks angrily.

Sasuke tilts his head in confusion. "Nothing, right Naruto?" He says, giving a quick glance at the blond who nods in agreement, hoping to erase hinata's suspicion

Neji returns with a fork, noticing the clear tension within the table. "Did I miss anything?" He asks, only to be met with a smile presented from the raven. "No." Sasuke replies

Once Sasuke receives the fork, he glances at Naruto, hoping he could share his food. Despite not actually wanting it, the ravens whole purpose was to anger Naruto. However in this case, Naruto didn't enjoy the salad and was more than happy to share it.

After the meal, Naruto smiles and waves goodbye to Hinata and neji. However his smile quickly turns into a frown noticing he's left with Sasuke.

"Let's take this outside, Naru." Sasuke says.

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