Chapter 5-Deal

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"A deal?" Naruto asks. He looks around the lunchroom then returns his gaze on the raven. "Spit it out."

"Pass me your phone." Sasuke demands. The blond huffs in confusion, "what for?"

Sasuke asks again, "just give it to me."

Naruto gives the phone to the raven, their gaze locked against each other. Sasuke then places his number on the blonds phone and returns it.

Naruto scowled at the phone in complete confusion. "Why did you put your number?" He asks.

Sasuke forms a smirk on his face. "Glad you asked," he began, his tone dripping in irony. "Here's what I want."

Naruto straightens his back and fixes his posture, trying to prepare himself for what Sasuke has to say.

Sasuke leans in, resting his hand under his chin. "Well, here's how it will go." He began, sounding quite self centered. "It's sort of like a game. If I want something, I text, you give. You must obey me. No matter the hour or the exhaustion. You'll listen to me until I'm satisfied. Got that?"

He senses the anger coming from the blond, which only made him even more happier.

"and if I don't?" Naruto's voice was calm but his fingers began trembling. "What secret would you reveal?"

Sasuke chuckles, dismissing Naruto's question. "Your journal surprised me," He began. "A whole section just for me? That was adorable."

"But hmmm... I don't know..," Sasuke teases, taunting Naruto. "Maybe the fact that you're a complete weirdo? Like, Gay? Are you serious? People like you shouldn't be here." His words caused Naruto to shiver.

Naruto argues back, "there's nothing wrong with being gay." His words flying past Sasuke.

Sasuke leans in closer, delivering a nefarious response. "shut it naru, is this a deal or not? Or would you prefer to lose your popularity and be known as the weird gay kid?"

"Ok, deal." Naruto responds, his defeat being clear in his voice. He didn't want to relive the trauma of his old school. All he wanted was a neutral experience.

'My weekend is going to be shit' Naruto thought.

"Great. Now get out of my sight." Sasuke commands. The blond rises silently and walks away, avoiding the ravens glares.

Naruto returns to his table, where his friends became very concerned.

"What happened?" Hinata asks gently.

"Nothing really." Naruto replies, trying to brush it off.

"Are you sure?" Lee presses, still unsure if Naruto is telling the truth.

Naruto nods silently, not wanting them to get involved in his trouble.

The whole "deal" situation weighs heavily on Naruto's mind. Bothering him throughout the day. From Lunch, To Ap-Biology to even math class, the thought of sasuke and his knowledge gave him an overwhelming feeling of anxiety. He avoids sasuke throughout all those classes, his heart crying in fear.

As Naruto hurried out his homeroom classroom to the front gates, his phone buzzed.

'Fuck.' The blond thought.

Naruto heart races with fear as he grabs his phone from his pocket, his hands trembling as he sees who it was that had messaged him.

(Choji 🍔)-"Yooo Naruto we going to the arcade wanna goooo?

Naruto smiles in relief, placing his hand over his heart.  As Naruto was about to text back "sure", another message came, causing him to quietly panic.

(Sasuke)- Are you going home?

Naruto quickly finds a better spot, going under a tree to where no one was near and begins to type a response.

I'm going to the arcade with my friends.

Naruto's mind races with confusion, thinking about the weird question. He anxiously waited for the ravens response.

(Sasuke)-No. You're not going.

(Naruto)- what why?

(Sasuke)- I said so. Tell your friends no.

(Naruto)- ok.

Naruto didn't bother questioning. He hurries to the group chat to prepare a speech on why he can't come. He can always sneak, in what case scenario is Sasuke a stalker? However he can't risk that.

He places his phone in his pocket and began walking home. He couldn't help but think about what Sasuke had said. About his sexuality. Is it really that bad? In that moment, Naruto wanted to punch the raven in his face. But the last time he got mad and got into a fight, it ended in only Naruto getting expelled.

He vividly remembers his old school. How they tormented him when they found out his sexuality. Girls wanting to 'change him' and guys harassing him. Getting into fights. Defending his rights. It was a whole bunch of chaos over something one couldn't control.

He also remembers how hard his mother fought, begging on her knees to keep him in the school. It was dismissed though. Naruto was expelled. But she never was mad at the blond. In fact, she was happy he stood up for himself. However Naruto made a deal, that he wouldn't engage in any more fighting. Especially since this school is different than the rest.

Naruto finally reaches his home and knocks a bit aggressively, not enjoying his day.

"I'm coming!" An unfamiliar voice yells through the door.

Naruto raises an eyebrow, confused. The door opens and Naruto's eyes widen. "Karin?"

"Wassup man!" She says, pulling him into a hug. Naruto chuckles at her loud voice and confidence.

"Come in!" She says

"Thanks for letting me in my own house!" Naruto responds.

Karin smiles and the blond fully enters the house. He doesn't enjoy visitors that much but Karin is his cousin and the funniest person to him. He shakes hands with the guest before running up to his room in exhaustion.

Karin quickly follows behind in boredom, lying down on Naruto's bed.

Naruto enters the bathroom to take a shower as Karin slightly observes Naruto's room out of curiosity. Her attention is now fixated on the pictures held in Naruto's room.

"Uncle..." Karin whispers to herself, staring at the picture of minato.

When Minatos death was announced, Karin remembers Naruto's world turning into shambles. He wasn't ready to say goodbye. It was one of the biggest turning points to Naruto's life.

Karin looks back to see the door knob twist, signifying that Naruto was done. She returned on his bed and he entered the bedroom, wearing a comfortable white t shirt and sweatpants. He laid down on his bed, next to Karin, staring at the ceiling.

"Have a boyfriend yet?" Karin asks out of the blue.

Naruto chuckles and replies, "nope."

"me too." she says quietly, almost ashamed.

Naruto sits up, leaning his back against the head of his bed. "Do you think it's wrong?" The blond asks

Karin tilts her head, "what is?"

"that I'm you know. Gay."

"Ask me that again and expect a slap across your face."

Naruto laughs even though deep inside he felt all types of emotions. When he confessed the truth to Karin, he expected her to laugh and snitch. But she didn't. She stayed with Naruto. She was there when he told his mother. She was there when he was expelled. She was always there for him.

Karin gets up from the bed, stretching her arms. "Have a good weekend."

Naruto makes himself comfortable in his bed. "You too."

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