Chapter 6-Torment

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It's a Saturday morning, Naruto wakes up to the sunlight streaming through the window. After gathering his energy, he picks himself up and stretches. Glancing at his phone, he sees messages from yesterday.

His heart sinks as he recognizes the person who sent the text message. Sasuke uchiha.

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!' Naruto thinks, aggressively opening his phone to check the text message.

(Sasuke)- buy me food.

Naruto responds quickly, informing the raven that he was asleep and didn't see his message.

(Sasuke)- I'm still hungry. I didn't eat still.

naruto grumbles, not wanting to get up and buy food for Sasuke. Naruto sends another text, asking the raven if he could wait a little longer, only to receive a loud "No." In response.

(Naruto)-What do you want then?

(Sasuke)- buy me a donut and meet me at the park.

"Seriously? A donut." Naruto mutters to himself. He was considering asking Sasuke for money but it was only a few dollars to spend.

Naruto sighs and gets out of his bed, heading downstairs. He puts on his shoes and did a quick jog to the donut store.

(Naruto)-What flavor?

(Sasuke)- surprise me.

The blond scoffs at the message. 'This guy is really pushing my buttons..' he patiently waits in the line and when it was his turn, orders a chocolate donut with sprinkles. After thanking the cashier, he exits the shop and heads towards the park.

Naruto takes a seat on a bench and picks up his phone to text Sasuke of his arrival, receiving a brief  'Ok.' In response. He waits patiently, admiring the beauty of nature.

Sitting there awkwardly, Naruto silently hopes that Sasuke would just come, take the donut, and leave without saying a word.

But he hasn't came yet.

Droplets begin to fall on the blonds face, causing him to become irritated. 'Rain seriously?' He thinks, tightening his grip on the donut bag.

Naruto waits for a few more minutes, checking his phone every few seconds but Sasuke still hasn't arrived.

'I can't leave..'

Heavy rain continued, soaking Naruto completely but he still remained on the bench, fearing that Sasuke would show up after he leaves.

Are you coming?

With no response, Naruto begins to shiver, realizing he only has a white t shirt in this cold chilly rain.

'I want to leave.' Naruto thinks to himself. 'But I can't.'. With a heavy heart, Naruto lays down on the bench, still holding on the bag tightly to shield it from the rain.

"Yo." a familiar voice called, ringing against the blond ears.

Naruto rises from the bench, his gaze fixated on
Sasuke whose body is protected from his umbrella.

Holding the soaked donut bag, Naruto says, "here." Sasuke examines the soggy bag and in disgust, he throws it to the ground.

"Why did you do that?" Naruto asks, feeling upset since he purchased the donut with his own money.

Sasuke carries an angry gaze. "I don't enjoy sweets and it was wet."

Naruto hands began to tremble. "Ok. I'm sorry."

Sasuke huffs, "whatever." He observes the blond trembling, yet his hatred for Naruto sits well above his remorse for him. He abandons the blond by walking away, leaving him stranded.

After seeing Sasuke leave, Naruto quickly runs home, fearing that he will freeze to death in the cold rain.

Once he arrives home, he brushes past his mother and heads straight to the bathroom, removing his soaked clothes. Feeling disgusted, Naruto hops in the shower, letting the warm water hit against the cold that still clung to him.

After the shower, Naruto dresses up in a black and orange t shirt with black sweatpants.

After changing, he heads downstairs and says, "sorry ma... I'll get this clean right away." Naruto grabs a mop, wiping the wet footprints on the floor. Kushina smiles but it seems to wear off quickly, appearing to be quite suspicious. She approaches Naruto slowly, "why were you outside in the rain?"

Naruto glances around, hoping for an answer to come to mind. "I was just out with a friend.."

Kushina nods her head in comprehension, but her eyes narrow as if she senses her son lies. She continues with her tasks and Naruto makes his way towards the couch, sitting down and reaching for his phone.

"Ha! that bastard didn't text me." Naruto thinks and smiles, however there was another text from someone else.

(Unknown)-Don't bother him.

Naruto stares at the message a few times, trying to process it. 'Is this person referring to who I think it is?' 'Who is this person?'. Naruto ignores the message, leaving the person on read and moves on to the groupchat. Several photos were sent. 'Looks like they had fun.'

Naruto sets his phone down and watches as the rain subsides right outside his window. The blond begins to stretch and lays down on the couch.


'why are you doing this to me.'

the voice of Sasuke echoed in his mind.

Naruto couldn't help but think that Sasuke observed the entire journal. Where he wrote all of his experience. Not just being gay but the traumatic events that occurred in his life.

Naruto bites his tongue harshly, "Sasuke."

Kushina stares and says, "Baby?"

Naruto sits up and turns to her, "yeah mom?"

Kushina places her hand on Naruto's forehead. "Ah, you have a fever!"

Naruto lays back down and asks, "Has the rain stopped?"

Kushina responds, "looks like it. Why? You want to go out again?"

Naruto rests his finger on his chin, debating whether he should. Given what happened earlier, it could rain randomly after all.

Kushina looks at the blond and advises, "I think you should rest. It's the weekend, after all."

Naruto nods, and his mother steps back to resume her cleaning. Out of nowhere, one would call perfect timing-or not, his phone buzzes. His worst nightmare has texted.

(Sasuke)- what are you doing?

Naruto rolls his eyes, thinking aggressively, "Does he have to know everything I'm doing?"

I'm just lying down.

Naruto begins to imitate what he imagines to be the ravens response. "Lying down? That's pathetic" or "go travel across the country and buy me the most infamous soda."

Buy me some batteries.

Naruto chuckles, remarking, "close enough."

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