Chapter 8- Guilt

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Outside the fancy restaurant, the cold wind presses against the two boys. Sasuke demands answers from the blond. "Why did you lie to me?" He asks.

Naruto only looks down, unable to meet sasukes gaze, feeling ashamed.

Sasuke positions his fingers on Naruto's chin, raising his face to meet his gaze. "Are you going to answer me?"

Naruto hands starts to curl up into fists, eager to hold back his tears. Darkness begins to descend, yet sasuke refuses to let Naruto go without a reasonable response.

In the corner of the ravens eye, he notices some students of Konoha High walking in their direction. He grabs Naruto's arm and leads him around the restaurant, towards a nearby valley.

"Now, speak." Sasuke says, his hand still on the blonds arm, gripping it harshly.

Naruto takes a deep breath. "Sasuke," he whispers, loud enough for Sasuke to hear. "I'm tired of this."

Sasuke starts to grow annoyed, "what?", he asks angrily.

Naruto shoots an angry glare, tears falling down his face. "I'm tired of this. Im tired of being your stupid maid. I'm tired of listening to you. I'm not allowed to do anything."

"And.." Naruto continues, taking deep breaths in between each sentence.. "just... expose me already. Let them say I'm some fucking weird gay kid."

Naruto attempts to wipe his tears, but they keep flowing, and his voice begins to crack, "I'm sorry, I'm not normal."

He glares at Sasuke whose face appears to be shocked and begins to walk away. "Naruto wait!" Sasuke calls, but the blond starts to run away.

Sasuke quickly chases after, grabbing Naruto's arm, but he pushes him away. "Get the fuck off me." He says, "you don't even want to be near me right."

His voice becomes raspy as he cries out, "people like me don't deserve to be here, right?"

Sasuke stares at the blond, regretting his decision. "Naruto..." is all he can say. Naruto shakes his head in disappointment and disappears from sasukes view.

"Wait!" Sasuke shouts, but Naruto is already gone. Sasuke bites his lips so hard it starts to bleed. "Fuck."

he clenches his jaw, regretting everything. 'I'm an idiot...' sasuke thinks, 'I'm sorry Naruto.'

Naruto, on the other hand, runs home. He can't contain the hatred in his heart anymore. He is happy he spoke up but regrets his choice of words. He doesn't want sasuke to reveal his secret. He doesn't want history to repeat.

(Sasuke)- Naruto.


Naruto rejects the message. He doesn't want anything to do with Sasuke. He doesn't even want to think about him. It is all too draining for him.

Naruto dismisses his mother's concerns, shutting his bedroom door. Even as she begs, "Please Naruto," all he does is bury his face in his pillow, crying away.

It lasted throughout the night. When Thursday arrived, Naruto lacked the energy to go to school. He slept through the day. Meanwhile, Sasuke searched everywhere for him, begging Naruto's friends for the slightest bit of information however they were just as confused

On Friday, Naruto finally gains the strength to go to school. He feares that once he enters, Sasuke has already exposed everything about him. That he will be the weird kid again. The weird gay kid.

To his surprise, that wasn't the case. Naruto is just Naruto. The popular kid. However the blond still holds a grudge against the raven. When Sasuke takes notice of him, Naruto quickly runs away and ignores him.

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