Chapter 3-conflicts

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It was almost the end of the day. Being stuck in last period math would make anyone cry of desperation. However luckily for Naruto, the math teacher wasn't here. There was some old substitute who looks to completely hate her job. I mean there were paper planes and more thrown across the classroom and she didn't bat an eye.

Naruto observed his classroom. Everyone is already in small little groups. Next to Naruto, it is Rock Lee, Shino and Choji. His group of friends. Naruto is slowly leaning into the group, possibly joining them. But he pleads neutral until further notice.

In the back of the classroom, its all the 'popular kids', Naruto had learned their names from several rumors. Sasuke Uchiha, Neji Hyuga, Gaara, Kiba inzunka and Sakura Haruno. Every once in a while, he'd feel negative energy coming from them. As if they are planning this sufficient and deadly murder against him.

Naruto watches the clock, hoping that time can pass by quickly. Knowing that will never happen, naruto raises his hands to go to the bathroom, "may I go to the restroom?". Receiving a nod from the grumpy lady, he quickly excused himself.

He knows where the bathroom is thankfully. It's just a small walk from his math class. Once he arrived, he entered the bathroom. 'I don't even have to use it'

He goes up to the sink and washes his hands and face, then grabs a paper towel to wipe it off.


The blond turns to see who had entered.

Sasuke Uchiha.

"Oh fuck." Naruto mumbles.

"You know," he begins. "This won't be easy for you".

He steps closer to Naruto, causing the blond to keep moving backwards. It continues on until Naruto hits his back against the bathroom wall.

"Why are you so jealous?" Naruto yells out of nowhere, clearly frustrated.

"Jealous? That's adorable." He chuckles, moving even closer.

"Isn't that the whole point? That you're jealous of me. Everyone is telling me that."

Sasukes eyes widen. "Who?"

"it's none of your concern." Naruto argues back.

Sasuke grabs Naruto's arms and places it above his head. He pushes his leg against the blond stomach.

"Ah! Ow!" Naruto quietly cries out. Naruto tries to move his arms but the ravens grip was strong. Sasuke then released Naruto's arms only to grab one of them and pull him to the ground. "S-stop!"

Naruto covered his face with his arms as Sasuke began to kick him. He wanted to fight back but he couldn't. He couldn't risk being expelled again.

"Fight back." Sasuke said.

But Naruto laid there, taking the hits from the raven. No tears, no nothing. Sasuke stops just to stare at the blond who showed no fear whatsoever. Gaining anger, Sasuke pulls Naruto up from the floor to pin him against the wall.

"why." sasuke utters.

Naruto tilts his head.

"Why aren't you scared. " Sasuke continues.

"You're just a puss-"

Naruto was met with a fist across his face. Naruto curled his hands into a fist as well, trying to withhold all the pain.

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