Chapter 4- Secrets

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It's been a few weeks since Naruto has been in this school and in those few weeks, Naruto gained lots of friends and his popularity raised. Ever since the bathroom incident, Sasuke hasn't talked or bothered naruto. However his glares will never be defeated.

It's something Naruto is used too so he brushes it off. He doesn't want to seem affected by sasukes doings.

The blond enters the school, greeted by his friends. Considering the time, he gives them a quick wave and runs to his homeroom.

After a good 10 minutes, homeroom flew by and Naruto enters his first class, English. He was completely grateful not to share that class with the raven. If so, he'd have to deal with his nefarious existence. And that, is a lot to deal with.

Naruto almost dies of boredom in class. Every time the teacher spoke, Naruto feels as if there were spells coming out of his mouth to put him to sleep.

Once English class was finally over, Naruto hurries to history. In this class, he unfortunately shares with Sasuke. Naruto devastatingly went over to his seat and began to listen to the teachers horrible lecture.

Once the work was produced, Naruto works his way into completing the paper so he doesn't have it for homework. He'd do anything to receive a perfect and warm weekend.

"hehe almost done." Naruto says quietly, flipping through all the papers. He wasn't even sure if all of the answers he put were correct. However he went based off his general knowledge and context clues.

Once the paper were completed, he seems overall satisfied with himself and gives himself a pat on the shoulder. However he wasn't the only one done. It seems as if the infamous Sasuke Uchiha had completed before.

Naruto grits his teeth and rolls his eyes. 'ugh'.

Placing his papers in a folder, he returns it back to his backpack and pulls out his journal.

'What is that?' Sasuke thinks, observing from across the classroom.

Sasuke watches as the blond picks up his pen and swiftly moves it against the paper.

Sasuke laughs and thinks, 'a diary? Seriously.'

He returns his eyes on his paper but glares back a few times to see if the blond is still writing.


Sakura looks over to the raven and calls, "Sasuke?".

The black haired shoots her an irritated gaze, causing discomfort within her. "What?"

With an uneasy grin she asks, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He retorts.

"Sasuke.." she begins, "you seem fixated on him. Is he bothering you?"

He gives her a piercing gaze, as if what she said was wrong. Deep down, he knows she's right. With an angry and firm tone, he tells her, "never say that again."

She nods eagerly and looks the other way to avoid the harsh eye contact.

Sasuke shifts his gaze back at the blond, watching as he puts away his journal. He thinks of the content that could possibly be placed into the journal. If it is enough to potentially shatter Naruto's life?

A smirk curls on the ravens lips. 'oh Naruto.'

It was time for gym, everyone's favorite. Naruto runs to the boys locker room to place in all of his belongings. Following behind was the raven, who didn't speak a word to him.

Naruto passes by sasuke in silence, trying to keep a distance between them. The blonds spirit lifts once he exits the locker room and sees the volleyball section waiting for him.

Meanwhile, Sasuke had some other intentions.

During gym class, Naruto consistently took the win for his team. Securing his victory spot. When boredom strikes, Naruto would go through the other sections, except basketball. Today, he decides to go to the badminton section. He is greeted by Hinata who always seems to have a warm smile and cheeks tinged with a slight blush.

As time continues to flow, Sasuke finally exits the locker room. This doesn't dwell on Naruto, in fact the blond enjoyed the time he had without the presence of Sasuke. "Should have stayed longer" Naruto mutters under his breath.

Gaara looks at Sasuke with a confused expression, questioning why he spent nearly half of the period in the locker room. Sasuke only responds with a smirk, his onyx eyes leaving no explanation, causing Gaara to feel weirdly suspicious.

Gaara questions, "you didn't do anything wrong, did you? I don't trust that wicked smirk of yours."

"Can't say anything." Sasuke replies mysteriously as he grabs the basketball and successfully shoots the ball into the hoop.

Sasukes mind is filled with satisfaction. His hatred and animosity towards the blond has led him to uncover some valuable yet harmful information he could use against him. He is prepared to wrap naruto around his finger. To get him to admit his position in the school.

This was a huge step for the raven. He is never the type to invade personal space. However he'd do anything to get rid of Naruto. Even if it meant to expose his entire life.

When the bell rang, Sasuke made it his mission to find Naruto. It is now time for lunch and Sasuke was ready to get Naruto on his knees, begging.

Sasuke begins to scan the lunchroom, searching for the blond. Spotting him, he walks purposely in Naruto's direction.

He calls out his name, causing him and his friends to turn around.

Naruto glares, asking, "what do you want teme?"

Sasuke responds, "I need to talk with you." Earning laughter from the blond.

Naruto scoffs, "No way! I'm not falling for that."

Despite Naruto's protests, Sasuke pulls him up from his seat and leans in close, whispering the following words, "I know your secret. Either you come with me or I'll reveal it to everyone."

Naruto's eyes widen in fear and quickly nods in agreement. As they begin to walk, Naruto minds races with several questions. 'What does he know?' 'What secret?' 'Could it be... what I'm afraid of?'

As they sit down in an empty table, away from the crowded areas, Naruto starts to tremble as he searches through his bag.

"My journal? Where is it..." Naruto says, still searching.

"Oh this?" Sasuke smirks widens as he raises the journal, causing Naruto to internally flinch.

Naruto immediately reaches out to grab the journal but misses. "Give it back!" Naruto demanded.

"Shut up, or this journal will go public." Sasuke threatens, silencing Naruto.

Naruto fights with his overwhelming emotions. To hold back his tears. He didn't want to appear weak in front of the raven.

"Let's make a deal." Sasuke suggests, a smirk appearing on his face.

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