Chapter 9- Forgive

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The two walk in silence, yet it isn't uncomfortable or awkward. Naruto secretly smiles, despite his efforts not too. Whilst, Sasuke in the lead feels a sense of relief. They walk for another 10 minutes, causing Naruto to gain annoyance.

"Are you sure you have a place?" Naruto questions.

Sasuke stops, causing Naruto to bump into his back.

"Ow!" Naruto complains. The raven quickly turns, "are you okay?" He asks with concern.

"No," Naruto responds, even though he feels perfectly fine.

Sasuke gently grabs Naruto's face, squeezing it lightly, "you little liar!", he says.

"Hey, I am not little!" Naruto says, offended.

"You sure?" Sasuke replies, teasingly.

Naruto grits his teeth, "you're only like... three inches taller than me."

"Still taller though." Sasuke says, smirking.

"Shut up! You're ignoring the main question. Where is this place?" Naruto yells in frustration.

"We are almost here!" Sasuke lies, hoping to find a place soon.

Naruto eyes observes his surroundings while keeping a small distance between Sasuke. He can't help but stare at the raven too. The way he's acting compared to Wednesday and the days before that. Naruto slightly enjoys it. He can feel himself blushing a few times.

But all the trouble that Sasuke had previously caused still overthrows Naruto's positive thoughts on the raven. He wants to keep his mindset neutral as possible. This sudden change can mean two things, after all.

Sasuke finally catches his eye on something. It's not the best place in the world, but surely it can't be the worst? Sasuke stops to observe the place and thinks, 'would Naruto enjo-"

"Karaoke? That's what you came up with?" Naruto says, almost harshly, interrupting the ravens thoughts.

"no," Sasuke says, "just looking."

Naruto frowns and strolls away, "that's a shame, I love karaoke."

"Really?" Sasuke says, "come back!". He gently pulls Naruto's arms, turning him around. Naruto's eyes widen, recalling the events that occurred days ago. Sasuke seems to realizes, "I'm sorry."

Naruto only smiles and says, "it's okay."

Sasuke returns the smile, "let's do karaoke."

Naruto excitement bubbles up. "Let's go!!"

But their excitement fizzles out when they notice the big bold sign that reads "CLOSED"

"How did you miss that?" Naruto asks, annoyed.

"You missed it too, dobe." Sasuke retorts.

Naruto rolls his eyes jokingly, "have another spot in mind?"

"Yeah.", he says, "just follow me."

Sasuke begins to list out all of his options mentally, eliminating ones that seem unsuitable for Naruto's taste. It is a huge challenge, he knows that they differ in a lot of ways. They were like Polar Opposites.

As they walk, an oblivious blond trails behind. They arrive at sasukes home, a beautiful mansion.

"Did you bring me to the White House?" Naruto jokes

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