Chapter 2- situations

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Naruto made sure he was in time for every class in this schedule. Having to go through homeroom, English and history wasn't so bad beside the unnecessary staring he faced. No one came up to him, they just talked from afar. Forgetting that people have ears.

It was now time for gym. It was exciting for Naruto for one purpose. He enjoyed volleyball with a passion. He heard from Lee that it's mostly free play in the gym. So you could play different sports. It could be volleyball on one side, basketball on the other and even badminton and football on the sides. That seemed fair.

However it seems as if it was an unlucky day for the gym teacher, as he stomped back and forth angrily. Naruto observes the man as he grits his teeth.

"Five laps, everyone."

"Oh come on!" One yells.

"Six laps."

"Are you serious?" Another yells.

"Shall I make it seven?" He glared.

People began to run, not wanting to deal with it. Naruto quickly followed behind. Running laps wasn't hard for him. He was athletic himself. However he hated it as it wasted valuable gym time.

Lap by lap, Naruto seems to do great, passing by lots of people whose pace started to get slower. As he continues in a constant rate, he felt his body get pushed into the ground.

"Ow..." Naruto utters. He turns to see the raven stand right in front of him. Anger starts to boil inside the blond. He quickly pulls himself up from the hard-floor and stood face to face, curling his hand into a fist.

"What's your problem?" Naruto says, furrowing his eyebrows.

People began to crowd up, observing the situation.

Sasuke forms a smirk on his face. "you were slow. I wouldn't have bumped into you if you moved a little faster."

"Bump?" Naruto asks frustratingly. "You clearly pushed me on purpose."


"No I didn't, just admit you were slow."


"Please. I'm faster than you." Naruto argues back.


"Dobe, never in a million yea"

"QUIET." the gym teacher yells, a vessel almost popping on his forehead.

The two hot-headed boys watch as the teacher walks closer, as if he's going to strangle both.

"Don't piss me off more than I already am." The teacher glares, his face almost turning red.

Naruto nods but Sasuke rolls his eyes and brushes past the teacher. He isn't well known for understanding consequences. He thinks he can just get away with anything. Typical Uchiha.

Naruto watches as the teacher bites his lip aggressively, clearly annoyed by sasukes actions.

"Free.. period." He says, walking away, tired of his job.

People in the crowd began to separate, happy that they can now play whatever they want. Naruto lost his motivation to play volleyball. He wants to just sit down on the bench and rethink his life choices.

'It's not even my fault. I don't want to take his stupid popularity.'

'Why does he care so much?'

'I hate this school already.'

'It's only my first day.'

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