Chapter One: The Transfer

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Onyx was sitting in the doctor's office with dread all over his face. He knew he was about to get in a lot of trouble because of the events that took place the night before. The tan doctor stood facing the window as he looked at the incident report based on the events that took place. Just by the sounds the doctor was making, Onyx could tell this was the most he's been upset. The doctor slightly turned and looked at onyx. The file still open in his hand. His bushie eyebrows furrowed together and his eyes slightly squinted from the anger.

Dr: " Really Onyx? Another escape attempt and more property damage? This is the worst it's been yet. I thought we talked about this. I thought it was getting better but no. This has gone too far. You leave me no choice.

Onyx: "You don't understa-!"

The doctor quickly cuts Onyx off.

Dr: "Let me guess. Another monster attack? That's what drove you to all this? It's the same excuse Onyx. We've been over this. None of that is real. If the medicine stopped working you should have told someone so we can try something else. You don't leave me much of a choice. I'm going to have to transfer you to a higher end hospital. They CAN and WILL be able to handle you there. Don't worry they have a great doctor there. He's been able to help a lot of people like you."

Onyx had a look of fear on his face. Another hospital? He really didnt want to go to another. He just wanted out of here. He wasn't crazy. This was real. The demons and other entities he saw would hurt him badly. After all he was covered in bandages from attacks from either trying to ignore them or not being able to get away from them. Yet the doctors and nurses only saw it as him somehow managing to inflict these wounds on himself.

Onyx stood up and slammed his hands down on the desk in front of him. He needed to get his point across. He needed the doctor to believe him.

Onyx: "No! You can't! I won't! You have to believe me! I'm not lying!"

The doctor shot a strong glare at onyx.

"Oh? But we can and will. In fact, you've already been accepted and will be leaving shortly to your new home. It's in your best interest to not fight us, my boy."

Onyx was a tiny bit confused when the doctor said "us". This was until he felt the presence of two people standing behind him. Onyx's fight or flight instincts kicked in. He turned around quickly and swung at one of the nurses behind him. The nurse he swung on quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled him down slightly. Onyx didn't have much time to react before he felt the sharp prick of a needle going into his neck. The other nurse had just injected him with something. Onyx's eyes got wide as panic set in. His body went numb quickly and everything started to get fuzzy. He wanted to cry for help and he wanted to run but he just couldn't. Before he knew it, everything went black.

Onyx's body collapsed as he went unconscious. The male nurse he had just swung on was able to catch him to keep him from hitting the ground and getting hurt. The other nurse in the room brought in a wheelchair for Onyx. They carefully sat him down in the chair and wheeled him off.

Outside of the hospital was a car waiting to transport onyx. His belongings already inside waiting for him. It's not like he had much so it fit in the back with no issues. A nurse went along to make sure onyx stayed unconscious for the long trip.

Once at the new hospital onyx was wheeled inside. Two nurses waited outside to bring in their new guest. They took him and his belongings to his room where they carefully laid him in bed.

Onyx would wake up a few hours after this. He was very groggy and had no idea how long he had been out. He looked around and his heart sank as he realized he wasn't in the room he had grown familiar with. He quickly got up but had to hold onto the wall because he stood up too fast. He held his head and groaned before quickly heading to the door to try and get out. The door wouldn't budge. It was locked from the outside. He began to feel watched almost like there was eyes all over the wall. He turned around to look but nothing was there. Onyx jumped when he heard the door open behind him. It was followed by a soft sweet voice.

Unknown nurse: "Oh! Mr. Arima, you're awake. I wasn't expecting you to wake for a few more hours. My name is miss Anna. I'll be the nurse that takes care of you here. You'll be seeing me more than other nurses so if you have any questions feel free to talk to me. I'm always here to help. You look a bit on edge, is something wrong?"

Onyx stared at her like he was shocked. Did she know he was trying to get out or did she really just happen to show up? He took a deep breath and sighed.

Onyx: "H-hello miss Anna. You can just call me onyx if you like. I guess I was just a bit panicked because I woke up somewhere I'm unfamiliar with."

He did his best to sound sweet and unbothered. He was very nervous about being in this new place so he wasn't exactly lying. The nurse just smiled sweetly up at him.

Anna: "That's completely understandable! I can show you around the place and explain a few things before I take you to meet your new doctor. He's been waiting for you. He's really sweet so you have nothing to worry about."

She looked so happy and she was being so caring. It seemed genuine but deep down Onyx knew what his papers said about him and felt like she was only putting on an act so she didn't freak him out more. After all, would they do anything to risk him having an episode or meltdown?

She held open the door for him

Anna: "Come on now. You can follow me."

Onyx hesitantly stepped out of the room. Once he did Anna let the door shut behind him. Onyx looked around at all of the other doors down the long hallway. Seemed like all the doors needed key cards to get in and out of them but for the room, on the inside of them, there wasn't a way out. Probably for more security. That just meant someone else had to let them out. Onyx looked down at the much smaller lady beside him. She was looking up at him with the most innocent and caring smile. She had thin red glasses that made her brown eyes and freckles pop and her blond hair was pushed behind her ears showing that they had just a slight point, kinda like little elf ears. Onyx couldn't help but feel bad. If she really was this sweet and innocent, why would she be working in a place like this? Onyx started to think that he might just have a chance to state his case and prove he wasn't actually crazy.

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