Chapter 20~ Our Triangle

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Alex dropped me and left only after I went inside the gates, though there were guards.

I walk inside to see Searen, glaring straight at me as I put down my purse on the table.

"Aren't you supposed to be doing your trading bussiness with mom and dad right now?" I ask him, shaking off his glare.

"What about you?" He asks, his voice was now serious.

I give him a blank look, not being able to understand what he was saying.

"I was outside," I say.

"Exactly, did you look at the fucking time?" He asked me, his voice was irritated but he wasn't shouting at me, he never did.

"Oh shít," I cursed at the time, 9:30 p.m.

"Alex sure does take up all your time, sis, and you don't even know when, or how," He said, smirking at me.

I rushed upstairs to my room and murmured, "You won't do my shitty homework for me, idiot,".

And this is why I always regret going out on school nights, especially when there's homework.

When I finally finished my homework, I took a bath and went down for dinner.

Searen wasn't there anymore, but I saw food kept on the table and a note alongside it.

"Food gives you energy to go to more dates sis," it said and I rolled my eyes at the piece of paper.


"Did you buy the jerseys for sports' day?" Miya asks me and her voice and look told me that she hadn't, so she was asking to go together.

"Nah, we'll go together after class," I said and smiled at her.

As planned, we were heading towards the stall which was giving out the jerseys.

It was right in front of the field, were athletes from different classes, practices.

We got the Soccer, Tennis and Basketball jerseys, Miya also got a Karate Jersey, which I already had as a member.

Martial Arts was something that the school was best in, it had a separate room for practice, so the field was not where I used to practice for sports' day.

A team was training at the field and I couldn't help but take a look.

It was Soccer practice going on.

Miya pulled me to some stairs, which were the place from where the audience watched the games, but it was empty right now.

We sat down and Miya took out some chips from her bag, and offered some to me.

My eyes eventually went to a man with heavenly features and I stopped eating the chips from Miya.

His dark brown, curly hair was falling over his forehead, his blue eyes were motioning every movement and his tall figure standing out from everyone else.

His jersey had his name behind it.

Captain-Alex Grayson.

The opposing team was trying really hard, but to their dismay, Alex was the perfect leader.

He didn't talk much to his teammates but he was the swiftest member and made most goals.

His teammates were playing quite well, but not better than their leader.

After the match, Miya suddenly disappeared, saying that she had to use the restroom and the team was having a break.

I saw Alex talking to the coach while the others went to sit down and drink water.

After talking to his coach, Alex walked towards the stairs and started running a hand through his hair.

His eyes were shining under the sunlight and his skin shimmered. His jaw was perfectly shaped.

I walked up to him and said, "You play pretty well,".

He hummed without looking at me, like he had already noticed me, but I knew he hadn't.

He started drinking water from his bottle and I admired him as he did so.

He looked literally perfect.

"Done? Staring," He said as a small smirk appeared on his lips and he turned around to face me.

"Alex Grayson, You- You're too full of yourself," I mumbled at him, not being able to contain the embarrassment in my voice.

"Sure, sure," He says and puts his bottle down.

I throw a glare at him and scoffed.

"Fine, sorry," He says and the smirk on his face dissappears.

I nodded and smiled at him and turned around to go back, when he grabbed my arm lightly and said, " You coming to watch me, right?", he was looking at me.

I nodded a 'yes' and he released my hand, letting me go.

Miya dropped me home and my day was just like any other day, studying, training for the tour, doing some chores, chatting with Noah and Miya.

There was a notification sound from my phone and I saw a text from Elias.

"Are you coming to watch me tomorrow?" It said.

I texted him back with a "Yes, of course," and put my phone back, beside me.

The basketball match was tomorrow and after that was all the other ones.

How were these two guys the same and different at the same time?

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