Chapter 24~ Hate it to Love You

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"Get over it, you're too dumb," I frowned at my sister.

She couldn't even solve the simplest math problem.

"I'm not dumb! You're not good at teaching!" She furrowed her eyebrows at me and frowned back.

"Good luck on your own then," I said and walked outside her room.

I leaned towards the railing outside, my hands resting on top of it.

I sighed at the recent events; the match, the upcoming party, Reana.

"Stressed, are we?" A deep and dark voice asked me from behind.

I didn't turn back to see who it was, I knew it already, my father.

He patted my back and leaned on the railing, right beside me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, he probably wanted something.

"Shouldn't I ask you that?" He said and chuckled, though it wasn't funny at all.

I sighed for the hundredth time and he must've felt weird so he stopped laughing and turned to face me.

"We've found some traces to locate pur old enemies," he said and smiled darkly at me.

I looked at him blankly and he continued, "The Grayson family, the biggest mafia," He said and I felt the hair at the back of my neck jerk up.

"What?" I asked him, not being able to believe my ears.

A part of me didn't want to bother Grayson anymore.

My father hummed, "We're tracking them, found one of his men and threatened him, he blabbered everything out only when I pushed the gun hard into his skin,".

I gave him a sad look, not interested in this topic, but he continued, "They'll be going to the other side of the city for their bussiness and we'll arrest them there, might as well kill, if they go too far," He said darkly.

I rolled my eyes at him and turned back, walking towards my room.

All he cared about is catching the mafia.

I sat on the bed staring at the floor, when my mind drifted off to her, Reana.

She disappeared after the game, and I assumed that she went back with Alex, and I totally agree with that and I'm happy.

He's the only one who can actually keep her safe, always.

The way he looks at her, the way he talks to her, the slightest change in his voice when he does.

The way his eyes light up with joy when he notices her, it all is real, too real to be fake.

Everything about them is too real to be fake.

The way she smiles at him, when she doesn't even smile properly around others.

The way she calls him with a light pat, it's too gentle.

But either way, I can still admire her from somewhere she can't understand, right?

I snapped out of my thoughts when a notification popped up in my phone and I picked it up.

"Hey" it said, it was Reana's number.

"How's everything?" I texted her back.

"Pretty well, but I wanted to ask you about the party"she replied and for a minute, I forgot what party she was talking about.

"Yeah, what about it?"I asked her.

"You said it's on Friday, but I never got the time,"She texted me and I let out a soft sigh.

"Right, its at 6" I typed it in and waited for her reply.

"Cool" She texted back and I found myself chuckling slightly.

"Meet you there then?"She sent one more text and I smiled at it.

"Yeah, you will,"I sent it to her and put the phone back.

This week was passing by too quickly.
Me and her have to pretend to break up next week.

For some time, I couldn't find the answer to why I even asked her to do it.

It just came out of my mouth when she asked me what I wanted as a favor.

I wasn't on my father's side this time, I kept on thinking about how to stop him.

If he does anything to Alex, it will hurt Reana, and if it hurts Reana,

Then I might as well kill my own father, I promise.

It doesn't matter anymore, if she likes me or not. It only matters if she's happy.

If she is, then I'm too.

I started getting ready for the Soccer match, even though I wasn't interested in going.

I was going only for one possible reason, her.

I knew that she would just wave at me and then walk over to Alex, but that one wave, is more than just enough.

I took my shirt off and took out a cigarette from the drawer of my bedside table.

I lighted up the cigarette and inhaled the smoke, it filled my lungs, but was also somehow satisfying

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I lighted up the cigarette and inhaled the smoke, it filled my lungs, but was also somehow satisfying.

It helped me get over things, some which I dont want but have to face, and some which I want but cannot face.


Sooo, how's it going? ;)

Kinda feel bad for Elias.

A news for all of y'all, I edited Reana and Alex's introduction pictures in the first chapter, just thought you might want to check it out. It's there in the first chapter.

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