Chapter 35-Us

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Final Chapter:


I walked inside the diner and saw Alex sitting at the corner, near a window.

He had a huge lavender bouquet in his hands as he stared at his watch.

I waved at him as he saw me and walked to him.

His eyes lit up when he saw me and stood up as I went to our table.

"Did you wait long? Sorry, Alex," I said and gave him an apologetic look but he just pecked my lips and pulled out a chair for me.

"I'd wait forever," he said and smiled at me.

He kept taking me out on dates like this since two years for some reason.

We were even on a call for hours one night that mom had to have a serious talk with Alex about staying up late at night.

Right. Mom. Dad. My parents never acted harshly with me ever since the incident that took place two years ago.
Not once.

When I got out of my trauma zone after Elias passed away, my parents couldn't stop apologizing for all the years that they were ignorant with me and my brother.

I got to know that Searen had a deep talk with them and after hearing about Elias's father committing suicide after he shot his son, they realized something they should've done years ago.

Alex even helped Searen explain it to them.

My parents were now something which every child craves- loving.

"I was thinking about it, Elias's death, he actually didn't only die for me. He did it for everyone, and I admire him for that. Everything has changed so much since he sacrificed himself," I said as I took a fork to my mouth.

"Jenna, how's it going with her and Michael?" Alex asked me as he turned to look at me.

"Oh, great as it seems, she's getting more comfortable, but she was in a trauma after what happend, and as she told me, she was so scared to, you know, to love someone," I sighed telling him and he nodded at me.

Michael, who joined Alex's mafia two years ago, met Jenna accidentally at Elias's funeral. He'd drove her back to her house and it was quite visible that they had a thing.

"Michael, he can't shut up about her," He said as he rolled his eyes and chuckled softly.

"Not like you stopped talking about me before," I sarcastically said and winked at him with a smirk on my face.

"Oh, trust me, I still don't," He returned the smirk and the wink to me and we found ourselves chuckling.

"I like this new version of you better, more happy, smiling, energetic, loving and most grateful that you show some emotions, not like I didn't love you before," I said as I looked at my plate and felt his gaze at me.

"I just...decided to keep someone happy forever, with all I could and...I think this is the best way, since that someone said it just now," He said as he stared at me and I looked up at him.

I smiled at him and we finished dinner.

"Wait, we're going somewhere else too?" I asked him and gave him a curious look and he nodded smiling.

He opened the door to his car for me just as he did always.

The ride to the mysterious place was comfortable, filled with our laughter and conversations.

We finally reached the place and my eyes widened at the place and I gasped as he opened the door for me.

"Seriously? After two whole years?" I said chuckling, and moving towards the field of lavenders and fireflies.

"This place never gets old!" I said and looked up at Alex, who was already staring at me.

"Not with you at least," He said and I felt those familiar butterflies inside me.

"You also never get old with those cheesy lines," I said and looked at the view in front of us.

"This is were we found the true us, the place where we, found love, the place which is made as a moment with us," He said and I noticed the slightest change in his voice, he sounded calm and like there was something he wanted to say.

I turned to look at him. He looked at me one last time before kneeling down on one of his knees and taking out a wine red box from the pocket of his suit as I stood in front of him.

He opened the box and I felt my heart jump with excitement as I saw a diamond ring inside.

"I   love   you  always  have loved you, always will, and I could never imagine this world without you, Reana. You seemed to have awakened something inside me, which I never got to experience before- I now know it's love. You are like the oxygen that I breathe, the happiness that made me what I am today and the love that you shared with me, relentless, even after you saw my scars, you healed them to the point that they can never hurt again, you're my world. Reana, will you marry me and be mine forever?" He asked me and the world stopped around us.

His eyes looked at my eyes hopefully as I looked at his.

"Yes! Yes, Yes!" I cheerfully said and hugged him by the neck as he picked me up in his arms and spun me around.

"Okay, okay, put me down, now," I said as I chuckled at him.

He put me down and we were both staring at each other.

He lifted my hand up in his palm and slid the ring on my ring finger.

I stood on my toes as I leaned closer to him, his hands wrapped around my waist.

He leaned forward too, his lips hovering over mine.

Our lips touched, his minty taste blending with my own lavender like one.
My heart raced as fast as it could and I could feel his doing the same.

We leaned back an inch to catch a breathe as we stared at each other's eyes, admiring them.

Everything around us was peaceful; The fireflies flying around us and shining magically as the moon shone above us along with the stars, the smell of lavenders in addition, making it exactly like a dream.

"Starlight?" He asked me and I hummed at him in alert.

"Nothing, it feels good to hear you voice," He said and chuckled softly.

We leaned back in and kissed each other passionately as he picked me back up in his arms.

I never lied when I felt like he was intoxicating.

It was just Us, below millions of stars and the moon.


My new book- 'Kingdom of Love' is out now, and I'm convincing you to read it because it contains all the following-
1) Enemies to Lovers
2)Memories from past lives
3)Supernatural Content
4)Smut (In some chapters)
5)A bit emotional
6) Kings and Queens
7) A series ( each book is going to be about one of the members of a friend group of four  ✨ ladies ✨  and
✨ gentlemen ✨ .

It's a series named 'Kingdom'.

Book 1- Kingdom Of Love
Book 2- Kindom Of Lies
Book 3-Kingdom of Death
Book 4-Kingdom of Hate

P.S- Hope you liked this book ♡♡


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