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"Holy shit!" Billie gasped, looking up from her laptop to see Keeley Jones standing in her doorway, armed with a gift bag and a brown food bag.

"Fuck, I didn't mean to scare you," Keeley smiled as she approached the girl's desk, "I just wanted to say thanks for your help with the whole paparazzi situation the other day."

"That's okay, I didn't really do much, it was all Rebecca," Billie insisted with a smile, "You alright?"

"Oh yeah, I'm just really fucking glad that it's sorted," Keeley replied as she sat in the chair opposite the desk, "Jamie would've freaked the fuck out."

"And you?" Billie smiled, glancing at the various photos she'd been editing from training, "How do you feel about the whole thing?"

"Fine now that it's over," Keeley answered honestly, "Oh, I got you something."

Billie watched as Keeley pulled a plastic cup from the brown bag, filled with a red smoothie, fresh from one of those artisan cafes on the high street.

"It's not much but I wanted to say thank you," Keeley told the girl.

"You didn't have to do that," Billie grinned as she took the drink from the woman's hands.

"It's also an apology for what I said about Brad, that was unfair, I'm sure he's lovely," Keeley insisted, even though she knew what he was like, having heard tales from other women she knew.

"It's okay, I know he's not perfect, he's just all I've ever really known," Billie explained, reminded of how blissful the first few months were. He'd make the journey from Chelsea to Manchester when he could. They were completely wrapped up in the honeymoon period, and when she looked back on it she did wonder if it had been going on the whole time.

"That's not really a reason to stay with someone though, babe," Keeley smiled reassuringly, "I know he probably makes your insides ignite and your heart flutter, but does he actually make you feel safe and valued?"

"I don't think he's that sort of person," Billie answered honestly, "We've been together for three years and he's never met my parents, I've met his, he rarely stays at mine, I normally stay at his-"

"Tell you what," Keeley sighed, reaching across the desk and taking Billie's hands in hers, "I'm going clubbing with Jamie and some of the boys tonight, come with us and you can let your hair down and remember what it feels like to have fun."

"I do have fun," Billie smiled, grateful for Keeley's support, even though she wasn't entirely sure she could remember the last time Brad made her laugh or genuinely smile.

"I know, and that's why I need you there with me tonight, handling those boys," Keeley told her, like a caring older sister trying to get her out of a rut, "I want you to get your sparkle back."

"I'm not sure I'm the best person to be around right now," Billie sighed, unknowingly admitting that she wasn't doing as alright emotionally as she might have let on.

"That's what you think, but that's exactly why you need to shake this off and let off some steam," Keeley insisted, "The company of the fit footballers is just a bonus."

"Alright," Billie sighed in defeat as Keeley clapped her hands together.

"I'll DM you the details," Keeley told her, "And bring friends if you want!"

"I'll ask them, but I can't promise they'll want to come," Billie answered, knowing that Madison would have to be up and ready for work the next day, whereas Alfie had the luxury of working from home, "But maybe the company of Premier League footballers could sway them."

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