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you guys know i love music and for this chapter i recommend listening to by myself by daisy jones (it's very billie coded - especially for this chapter)

In her twenty three years of life Billie Kent had only ever pulled a sicky once, and that was in year nine when she asked out Josh Edmonson who rejected her and then told everyone the entire year group. Her parents didn't care enough to question whether or not the 'stomach bug' was legitimate or not, so she managed to get two days off of school and by the time she'd gone back it was yesterday's news and today's fish and chips wrapping.

The second time she'd pulled a sicky was the morning after she had kissed Jamie and then ran away. She couldn't face seeing him at work, wondering what he thought of her, well she knew what he thought of her because she'd woken up to several messages from the man, which she ignored. It wasn't out of spite, of course not, because she didn't resent him, she resented herself for being so thoughtless, for feeling that way for a man who she couldn't let herself have.

Bils we're okay x
(read a day ago)

Can you at least let me know that
you got home okay? x
(read a day ago)

Well I know you're alive because
I can see that you've read my message x
(read 22 hours ago)

I'm sorry if I did
something to upset you x
(read 19 hours ago)

You weren't at work today
is everything okay? x
(read 12 hours ago)

She tossed her phone onto Alfie's bed as she lay beside him, her head resting on her best friend's chest. Her best friend who she had used as a pillow after he came home with a bottle of fresh orange juice and his mum's homemade cottage pie for his unwell best friend. She had burst into tears in front of him, crying on his shoulder as she told him everything, from kissing Jamie to realising how she really felt about him.

Madison then came home from work to find Alfie and Billie sitting on the kitchen floor, cry-laughing as they drank cups of tea.

Madison knew something was wrong, Billie Kent was drinking tea.

The three friends ended up talking about everything until the sun went down, Billie updated Madison on everything that happened with Jamie (less tears this time). Then it was Madison and Alfie's turns to distract their best friend, Madison told them both about the biology teacher at work who she'd been flirting with, Alfie told the girls about a guy he'd been out with a few times, told them he wasn't sure what would come of it, but nevertheless, he seemed happy.

That was what Billie needed, to be distracted, to not feel as though her own problems were weighing on her mind for once. All three of them then wound up in Alfie's bed, as they helped Billie message her favourite Bantr match while listening to her Amy Winehouse record as she proceeded to listen to Tears Dry On Their Own again and again, until her friends finally intervened. They ended up falling asleep in Alfie's bed, just as they did at their sleepovers as kids.

"You okay, Bils?" Alfie muttered with a husky morning voice, as the two friends realised that Madison had already left for work.

"Yeah," Billie nodded, "Felt good to sleep on it."

"Good," Alfie kissed the top of her head, "You going to work today?"

"Suppose I have to," Billie sighed as she wrapped an arm around his torso, "People'll start asking questions otherwise."

"And it wouldn't surprise me if Jamie Tartt showed up on our doorstep looking for you," Alfie told her with a reassuring smile.

"Doubt that," Billie rolled her eyes at her friend, she wouldn't blame him if he steered clear of her completely, "And can we not talk about him, I'm still coming to terms with the fact that I'll have to see him at work today."

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