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billie_kent: see you at the gala <3

keeleyjones: FUCK YOU'RE FIT

alfiesykes98: smashing it!!!

maddsgreen: my gorgeous bestie <3

username1: is she going with brad?
↳ username2: I think she went with her brother

"It's better to be overdressed than to look like you haven't bothered." Were the words that Keeley had relayed to Billie when they went dress shopping on Bond Street several days prior.

Billie didn't exactly know why she'd been invited to the charity gala until she dropped by Rebecca's office the morning after receiving the invite, who then told her that her brother hadn't chosen a plus one, so in the end he just told Rebecca that he'd take his sister. The idea of being at such a classy event when most of the events she attended at uni ended up sitting fully clothed in a bath drinking prosecco straight from the bottle.

So in a hurry of panic she'd texted Keeley asking for advice on what to wear, and Keeley being Keeley jumped at the chance to help the girl pick out an outfit for the prestigious event, excited to have a girl she liked and trusted by her side for once.

"Bils?" The voice of her best friend Madison snapped her out of her daydream as she sat at her dressing table, Madison stood behind her, having just finished her work on the girl's hair for the gala that evening.

"Hmm?" Billie hummed, looking up at Madison in the mirror and then back at Alfie who was sprawled on her bed reading the latest issue of GQ, never one to miss out on the fun that the girls had while getting ready for nights out.

"What do you think?"

"Oh," Billie blinked, looking back at her reflection, her immaculate makeup and hair which was slicked back into a perfectly styled updo, "I love it, thanks, Madds."

"Shall we get you into that dress of yours?" Madison suggested, placing her hands on the girl's shoulders.

"Sure," Billie nodded as she sat in her makeup stained dressing gown.

"Alf, make yourself useful and pour some drinks in the kitchen," Madison smiled at the boy, hoping he'd take the hint that his presence wouldn't be needed for the whole getting dressed part of getting ready.

"Yes, boss," Alfie saluted before rolling off of the bed and hurrying out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

"Lets see it then," Madison grinned as Billie stood up from the dressing table stool, making her way over to her wardrobe and pulling out the sleek black dress that was so intricately designed that when she admitted to Keeley that she couldn't afford it before changing back into her own clothes Keeley pulled a store assistant aside and told her to put it on the same tab as her own dress, calling it a treat.

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