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you thought this was a double update? oh no it's a triple (read 34 & 35 first!)
this chapter is basically bille and jamie after hours (i hope it acts as a big hug after the wembley chapter)

Billie's heart weighed heavy, seeing her closest friend destroyed by the person that societal norms would say was meant to be his greatest protector. She knew what it was like to have a complicated relationship with a father, and she knew that she would be anything except civil if she laid eyes on James Tartt again.

She was sitting on a lone bench outside the team's locker room, waiting for the boys to change back into their tracksuits. A long bus ride back to Richmond awaited the team, but Billie didn't intend on getting the team bus back to Richmond, she wasn't going back, not yet at least.

The locker room doors opened and she watched a stream of mellow footballers trail out, Colin and Isaac caught sight of her, shuffling towards her as the others headed towards where the team bus would be waiting.

"You okay?" Colin asked softly as she stood up, wrapping the two young men in a hug.

"Thank you," She whispered as she clung to them both, "For being family."

"We've got you, Bils," Isaac assured her, "Movie night tomorrow, yeah?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," She smiled fondly as she let go of the two boys.

"You joining us on the bus?" Colin asked.

"I'm waiting for Jamie," Billie muttered, mindlessly twirling her silver ring around her finger.

"Alright, we'll see you later," Colin nodded as the two players disappeared down the corridor.

Billie spent another fifteen minutes or so leaning against the wall, watching as the remainders of the team trailed out of the locker room. Will had given her a quick comforting hug, and Nate gave a reassuring nod, unsure of what else he could offer her.

The door opened again and out walked Jamie and Roy, they were both carrying heavy frowns, and Jamie's eyes were still red. As the striker caught sight of her, he looked surprised to see her, not having expected her to have waited.

"Hi," Jamie muttered so softly, it was almost a whisper.

Billie wordlessly wrapped her arms around him, she hadn't had a chance to do so in the locker room, Roy had been the support that he needed in that moment, but Billie wanted to make sure Jamie was alright, she wanted him to know that she cared.

Jamie knew. From that night they broke into Nelson Road, he knew she cared.

"You're okay," Billie whispered as she clung onto him, "You're going to be okay."

Billie pulled away, looking between her brother and Jamie, who still looked completely lost, and she knew what he needed, she had an idea of what might help.

"Would you take this back to yours?" Billie handed her camera bag to her brother.

"You not coming back on the bus?" Roy frowned.

"We're not," She gestured between herself and Jamie.

"We're not?"

"We're not," Billie nodded, "We're getting out of here."

"I was just gonna go home," Jamie muttered, looking at her with a blank frown.

"I don't think you should be on your own, not after today," Billie told him, because she cared, and she'd only end up restlessly worrying about him if she let him go, "We trust each other, right?"

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