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billie_kent: match day kicks 💙❤️


alfiesykes98: See you at the dogtrack!

isaac_mcadoo: sick creps


After everything that followed the gala Billie had been doing her best to avoid reading the tabloids or the comments on her social media. So the last thing she was expecting was her brother to burst into the office on the day of the team's match against Watford with a look that could kill.

"What the fuck is this?" Roy exclaimed as he tossed his phone on the desk, displaying an article from The Sun.

Billie glanced down at the phone to see a photo of her and Jamie smiling at each other when they were in the car at the traffic lights on their way to Brad's house, with the headline: TARTT'S NEW TART: MENDING A BROKEN HEART?

"That's not what it looks like," Billie insisted.

"Oh right, it's not what it looks like?" Roy laughed with little humour in his voice, "Because what it looks like to me is that Jamie fucking Tartt has driven you to a little lunch date."

"How long has this been online?"

"An hour."

"Have you spoken to Jamie?" Billie frowned, confused as to why she had received the brunt of her brother's wrath, given that he was the name in the title.

"Now that is a good idea," Roy replied with sarcasm in his tone before walking over to the open door and shouting, "Tartt!"

"Yeah?" Jamie appeared at the door of the locker room, dressed in his kit ahead of the match.

Without a word Roy beckoned him into the room like a disappointed parent, glaring at the two of them with heavy furrowed eyebrows.

"Have you seen this?" Roy asked, showing him the article on his phone.

"Yeah," Jamie nodded with a smirk that surprised Billie given the conversations they'd had in the car that day.

"And do you have anything to say about it?" Roy replied, staring at the striker with a look of anger.

"Me hair looks good." Jamie replied with that frustratingly cocky grin. 

Jamie's change in attitude startled Billie, given how open she'd been in the car about what her relationship with Brad was really like. She didn't expect to but she was truly grateful for Jamie's company that day. He didn't have the same emotional investment in her life that her family or close friends did, so he listened and offered her an honest opinion.

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