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this might be the most wholesome chapter i've ever in june tehe

billie_kent posted

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liked by: jamie_tartt and 65,384 others

billie_kent: merry christmas you filthy animals

jamie_tartt: merry fucking christmas!

alfiesykes98: happy christmas!!!

maddsgreen: love you!!!!

colinhughes: happy christmas boyo!

"Merry Christmas!" Madison and Alfie's voices rang through the kitchen as Billie left her bedroom, already dressed for the day, while they were both still wearing Christmas pajamas.

The three friends had made it an annual tradition to buy matching Christmas pajamas and wear them on Christmas Eve each year. Both Alfie and Madison's families had always done something similar, but it wasn't something that Billie had ever experienced growing up.

"Merry Christmas, you sexy bastards," Billie hugged them both as Madison handed her a buck's fizz.

"You look bloody divine, Bils," Madison grinned at her best friend who was wearing a red off the shoulder jumper and black denim skirt with opaque black tights and her chunky boots, "A certain striker won't be able to contain himself."

"Don't make it weird, Madds," Billie sighed.

It had been a running theme in the weeks since the team had forgiven Jamie. He'd been spending more time with Billie and the boys, often at one of the boys' houses, or sometimes at her flat, often the two of them would hang out without anyone else. And on the occasions when the group would hang out at someone else's house Jamie would always make sure to offer to drive Billie home before anyone could.

So Billie's best friends had more than ample reason to suspect that something more was going on between the two friends, even if it wasn't, even if Billie did whatever she could to avoid that exact topic.

"Well, Jamie Tartt or not, it's weird that you have to go into work on Christmas, Bils," Alfie remarked.

"I'm not working today, we're doing a gift swap, then I'll be on my way to Richmond Lodge," Billie explained, "I don't mind spending the morning at work, Roy's busy anyway."

Christmas had always been Billie's favourite time of year, not because her parents made an extra big fuss of their youngest child (they didn't), but because it meant she got to spend three whole days with her big brother. Every Christmas Eve Roy would take his two sisters to Winter Wonderland in London, and then when Phoebe was born, she joined them too.

Even hard man Roy Kent didn't mind being seen somewhere as joyous as that, because seeing the look of delight on his sister's face when he won her the biggest teddy possible when she was eight, was worth all of it.

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