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Song: Treacherous
An unusual mumbling woke me up that night. I frowned and quickly realised it was Rep, asleep next to me. Looking at my watch, I deduced it was just past 2 am. A quiet undecipherable murmur made me look back towards Rep, chuckling to myself. I lay down again, pulling her limp body closer to mine.

"Hey- no stop"

I sat up and gazed at Rep, who whispered to herself.

"Please... no"

I frowned, concern filling me at her words. She frowned in her sleep and rolled over.

"Oh, baby" I whispered, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling our bodies closer. Rep's mumbling stopped and she let out a shaky breath. If she was dreaming about what I thought it was, well... I just hoped i was wrong. I didn't want to wake her in case she couldn't get back to sleep. She did have quite the reputation for bad dreams and messed up sleep schedules. I rested my head on her neck and shut my eyes, quickly falling asleep.


"Todays the day baby!" I announced to the tired figure with her face in my pillow. Rep groaned and sat up, rubbing her eyes and yawning. "and babe... what were you dreaming about last night?"

"I had a couple different ones, why?" Rep asked in her raspy morning voice that I loved so much.

"You woke me up last night, talking in your sleep" I frowned, pulling her hoodie over my head.

"Firstly, that's my jumper. Although you do look adorable in it. Secondly, was I talking about gummy bears by any chance?"

"No, you weren't... you were saying stuff like no and stop. I was worried" I walked over and pulled Rep to her feet.

"Oh, that. Don't worry about it, it was no-"

"Not doing that any more remember Rep. Talk to me!"

"Right. Forgot... I dreamt that I was back with Karma, in that weird place and she was torturing me again" Rep mumbled, looking down.

"oh, my baby" I wrapped my arms around her in a tight hug, whether she needed it or not.

"It's alright, I'm growing past it" she returned the hug.

"You're so amazing, I love you" I smiled and smothered Rep's face in kisses. She giggled and stepped back to pull a hoodie over her head.

"I feel like this happens too much. I tell you about stuff that happened to me, sometimes I cry, then you hug me and I forget about it or get distracted. It's like every day now".

I frowned. "Yeah, but that's not your fault. It had to come out at some point"

"I know... It just seems as though it's taking up my whole life. Why can't we just have a normal life together?"

"Babe, do you think it could be because you just let it all dwell in your mind? You just bottle things up, always have" I led her into our bathroom where I splashed water on my face.

"It's hard to talk about" Rep shrugged, resting her head on my shoulder as I dried my face.

"Want me to call Poet?"


"Poet. She works at the therapy place I used to go. I can get her to book you in for a session?"

Rep scrunched up her nose. "Therapy is for losers"

"Baby, I went to therapy"

"Yeah... you're a loser" She smiled playfully and I scoffed, throwing my towel at her head. "Kidding love"

"Better be" I smiled in return and rolled my eyes.

A shout from the hallway caught my attention.

"Hey, Romeo and Juliet! Or- Juliet and Juliet? Whatever... get downstairs, we're going to leave soon" 1989 yelled from outside.

"We'll be there in a sec Nine!" I shouted back, heading back to the wardrobe.

I started to leaf through my clothes. "What does one wear when going into a battle like this?"

"Dark clothing, preferably skintight. Shoes that fit well and don't make a noise when you walk, a pocket or similar for concealed weapons is helpful too" Rep answered plainly. I raised an eyebrow at her and she winked, smirking.

"Slight problemo, it doesn't look like any of my clothes match that description" I chuckled.

"Wear something of mine, I have heaps... here- top, exercise pants"

"Thanks, babe... did you purposefully give me a top that makes my boobs look huge?"

"What nooo?"

"Miss Reputation, that is highly inappropriate" I scolded her.

"Sorry ma'am" she replied with a small salute.

"You dork" I reached up and ruffled her wavy hair.

Speak Now
"We just gotta get in and get out as quickly as possible with as few fatalities as possible" Reputation said simply from where she was turning the kettle on.

"FATALITIES?" my eyes widened.

"She's joking" Lover reassured me, placing a hand on my shoulder. Reputation shrugged when Lover wasn't looking and my mouth dropped open and my hands flew to my mouth.

"We have way more people, Karma won't stand a chance" Midnights spoke up.

Evermore nodded, "True, but she has a hostage, she'll definitely use Debut to stop us from doing anything".

As everyone started to plan, I snuck backwards toward the window. The others seemed pretty engrossed in the conversation so I creaked the window open slowly and hopped outside. I hurried toward the forest where me and Beautiful Eyes had agreed to meet.

"Speak Now? You there?" came the girl's voice from behind a tree.

"B? Hey" I ducked behind the large tree with her and smiled.

"I missed you"

"You saw me yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that" I chuckled.

Beautiful Eyes smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear. "So, today's the day?"

I looked around and nodded subtly. "They're all in the kitchen planning right now. We're leaving soon"

"Okay, thanks for the heads up... I do have something I want to tell you before- you know, everything"

"... me too"

"I'll go first" Beautiful Eyes took a deep breath and a blush settled on her cheeks. "I like you, Speak Now. Like, I like like you... I think I love you".

I inhaled sharply and looked at the girl in front of me. "I think I like like you too".

We stepped closer to each other, both our faces heavy with blood rush. I rested a hand on her face and smiled softly.

"C-can I kiss you?" I whispered.

Beautiful Eyes nodded and I very slowly, connected our lips.

AN: Sorry about the absence of chapters recently my turnips, I promise I'll try and update more often!

Small note: HOW GOOD IS TTPD? WOW. My current favourite is Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me, it's incredible. And The Prophecy, too.

Next chapter will be out soon!

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