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They all went to kim house and went towards the door . Jin-goo knocked and a maid came to open the door, after seeing them she bowed politely to them . They also greet her but kook bowed to her . Just like the first maid , this maid is also got shocked, so she smile and thanked him , seeing it tae was very proud of his  sweetheart .

Tae asked the maid about his parents so , she said that they are waiting in the living room . So they towards living room . They saw mr. and mrs. Kim was watching TV. So tae said .......

" Mom , dad we are here ." Listening this they both look towards them and smiled . So mrs. Kim said ........

" Oh koo bubu came . Wow you are so beautiful and cute ." Listening this kook's whole face became red and say .......

"Thank you aunty , good morning."

" Good morning bubu . Come sit with me ."

"Morning bubu ." said .

" Good morning uncle ." He said and went to sit with .

"MOM ! ." Jin-goo said while whining .

"Oh i forgot about you all , come sit . Oh yeri you are very beautiful . Come sit with me." Yeri also went and sit beside . Now was in middle of kook and yeri .

" Mom now you got to know them you forgot about us huh ." Jin-goo said while haffing .

"Oh sweetie who can i forgot my hearts you both are my breaths . Who will i live without you , hmm ."

" Huh really , then i am happy ."

" How do you know them mom ." Tae asked being comfused .

" Actually hyung i told mom and dad about them yesterday night."

" But you said me to not to tell them ."

" I said because i was confused why did koo lied so , first i asked yeri and tell them ."

" Yes love , he told me yesterday night about them , i was exited to meet them . Specialy for kook , jin-goo told me who cute he is . "

" Ok mom , but should we talk about their relation now ."

" Yay that's the main point , now tell me who you both meet ."

Then yeri told who they meet and said .......

" Aunty i really want to marry him . I want him for my whole life ."

"Aww , really i gave you permission now ask from your future appa and elder brother in low ( hyeongnim ) and  call me eomma and you too kook. "

" Ok eomma thank you . Appa can i marry your son ."

" I am ok but you have to cook for me , jin-goo said you make the tastiest food he ever ate i also want to eat your hand made food ."

" Yes appa he says true , noona make the tastiest food ." Kook said this time .

" Ok appa i will cook for you and hyeongnim already gave me permission."

" Yes dad , mom i gave her permission and yeri no need to call me that , call me only oppa , ok ."

" Umm - oopa i want to ask you something can i ."

" Yes you can ask ."

" Are you really happy for us ."

" Yes i am why you asked ."

" Because jin-goo told me that you hate poor people , that's why asked ."

" Umm for that if you really love my brother then it doesn't matter to me if you are poor or not but in past there is an incident because of that i hate poor people."

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