The Contract

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What did he just ask me? Who the fuck does he think he is asking me such a question? 

"Excuse me? " No men in his right mind asks a woman that question. 

"I do apologize Kate. That was rather rude of me. You got a glow about you that shows you're on your periods or about to be." How the fuck did he know. 

I looked at him nervously not sure how to answer him. He got busy with the paper work on the table and took two pens out of his jacket. He placed some papers in front of me. 

"Kate this is our contract, the contract states that during our arrangements you are going to live with me, travel with me and if necessary show affection in public where the media will be watching us. We both know how the media is. Everything that we do stays between us. I will clothe you, feed you and protect you at all cost. You will not touch your money as long as you are under me. Till the end of the contract you will be paid handsomely as long as you don't bridge your contract. I am suppose to respect you at all times and you are my first priority. I will make sure that you happy throughout the whole agreement. The contract is 6 months and the figures are stated in the contract on page two if you agree on the arrangements. Any questions?"

Was this guy insane. The money he was about to pay me was triple what I earned in a month or year. The contract was clear and the were no hidden clause. This guy knew what he needed.  

"I don't trust anyone to drive me around except my driver Mark. He is American and well trained. That is the only thing I can offer but everything is in order." I signed each page and he signed too. He collected the papers and looked at me smiling.

 "Well Kate I am David you're more then welcome to call me anything you want in public, would you like to have breakfast with me?" I was taken back yet again this guy was full of surprises. 

My clients usually just want to do business nothing more. I never did public appearance with them unless to an event, most of them did not even want to know me. I was dealing with another level kind of guy here.

 "Okay where are we having breakfast?" He put the papers in files and stood. He offered his hand for me to place mine in it.

 "We only going to Nelson Mandela Square. I have some business to attend to there." He took my hand and led the way. His bodyguards were standing by an open elevator. We got in but the big guys didn't join us.

 "I know our contract states we only start next month with our arrangements but I would like to start now if you don't have any plans." He looked down at me with those bright blue eyes and I couldn't have said no to him even if i wanted.

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