Close To Death

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I was cold and in so much pain. I was falling in to the darkness . I tried to wake up but my body wouldn't let me...

I stared at her limp body laying naked on the bed. There was a pool of blood forming around her. I couldn't sense her presence, panic creeped up my spine. What have I done. I checked for her pulse on her wrist, it was fading fast. I found my clothes and her night gown laying on the floor. I got dressed and covered her with the sheets. I picked her up and rushed out the room. 

"Christian!!!!! Mum!!!!! Fucken anybody help!!!!" I screamed for everyone in the house. Mark was the first to appear. 

"Mark to the car now. She is losing a lot of blood." Mark ran past me, getting the keys and opening the door in to the cold.  He disappeared for a while until he appeared with the Jeep. He parked by the entrance and rushed out, he came around from the drivers side and opened the passenger door for us. I gently I placed her done on the seat and ran around on to the other side. My feet crunching the snow. I placed her head on my lap, I could neither smell her or feel her presence. 

"Mark I want you at the end of the estate in less then 10min." Mark began driving away when everyone in the house appeared. I smelled like blood and sex, all Kate's scents. I wanted to reap my own throat off. I bring harm to my mate, my heart and my soul, I was losing my other half because of my greed. I was in such misery I didn't notice the car had stopped moving.

 "Sir we have arrived." Mark had opened the door and was looking at me with worried eyes, I could see fear written all over his face.

 "Go ring the bell. Tell Vladimire I need blood transfusion." Mark left and I looked at the limp body in my arms. I wanted to cry out and in pain, her pain. I carried her out the car and found the door open, Vladimire was already waiting for me by the living room. He was busy with the medical tools, preparing everything on the table.

 "Alpha, may I ask?" He asked me while I put Kate gently on the couch. I sat down besides her with her head resting on my lap. 

"Speak Vladimire." I said without any interest.

 "Is she your mate? I can smell her on you, not just her blood. I am not questioning you in anyway." As the Beta he was curious and he had a right to know. 

"Yes she is my mate. We were having sex when I imprinted her. I drank a lot more then I should. Can...Can you do it or you cannot save her?" I asked afraid of the answer that might come out of his mouth. 

"She is human, she won't recover as fast as us. Her blood has mixed with yours so we don't need to check for her blood type. You are one with her." His words were wise and comforting. 

He put on a pair of cloves and he began getting to work. Mark appeared by the door and I nodded for him to come in and settle down. We watched Vladimire get to work, unwrapping needles and cleaning the area he would be piercing with the needle. I offered my right arm, he rolled the sleeves up and felt for my vein. He pierced the area, my blood began flawing through the tube and in to the bag. 

"It will take a flew minutes. Once the blood is in her body, she will heal on her own. You will be able to connect with her. Meaning hear her thoughts, feel her emotions and even speak with her without having to speak words. Same with her to you." Two bags were now fall. Vladimire sniffed her checking for life, he than pierced her with the needle and began the blood transfusion. We all sat in silent with each lost in their thoughts. One bag had already emptied, she was now on her second bag. Color began to show on her skin. I could feel her pain. She was trying to fall back into the darkness. Baby please don't leave me. Keep fighting. I hoped she heard my thoughts, her chest began to rise and fall. She was back......
Where was I? I could smell everything and hear someone talking to me. Was I hearing or was I imagining it. The side of my neck was throbbing, with each breath I took the pain seemed to get worse. Can the darkness swallow me already. This was too much of pain to handle...


Her body was now warm and her breathing was regular. She was still laying on me, she stopped bleeding. Vladimire had cleaned her wound and bandage it. Mark had went back to the mansion to rest and inform everyone she was fine. The second bag was now finished, she was back to normal but I still couldn't sense her presence. I watched her and smiled remembering how we ended up here, from a business deal to being my soul mate. She moaned softly and her brows were knitted, she was in pain. I caused this shit to her, I brought her pain. Please forgive me  but I need to see you open your eyes baby. 

It was early morning when someone patted me on my shoulder, I had fallen asleep on the couch with my head resting awkwardly on the couch. I rubbed my eyes trying to get rid of the sleep. Vladimire's friendly face greeted me. He looked older then his age. Just under 23 years his hair had began greying. his blue eyes almost looked white. He was my brother not in blood but loyalty. 

"She is healed. She is just sleeping now. How is her temperature?" I put my palm over her head feeling her temperature. It was a little higher then normal but she wasn't breaking in to a sweat. 

"Slightly higher." He nodded and left me with her. I had to control myself when I am around her. She moved a little and said something I couldn't make out, I smiled and recalled the morning before, I found her half covered by her sheets and saying something and smiling. I admired her flawless beauty, innocent looking and I was awfully attracted to her. I touched her lightly on the cheek and she mumbled my name. I wanted to know what she was dreaming about, she was smiling. She can turn any bad day in to a good day with that smile. Her eyes flattered open, she yawned and rubbed her eyes sleepily. 

"Jeez David can you ever shut up. I cannot sleep with you talking so loud."

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